from L.D. Best:

> Feeling less than joyous this time of year is NOT uncommon.

> Although days are once again getting longer, we've just had to live
  through three months of shorter and shorter days, and colder and colder

> All around us are ads and music and other miscellaneous propaganda --
  all trying to convince us that the first week of winter is supposed to
  be a joyous and happy time, and anyone who is not out running around
  like a chicken with its head cut off, spouting joy/love/peace on earth,
  (while shopping 'til dropping, even if dead broke) is somehow an

> It's a guilt trip created by religion and 'Madison Avenue.'

> You are not required to believe it.

> It is perfectly normal, and understandable, to be feeling as if someone
  just replaced your pumpkin pie with a cow pattie and still expects you
  to eat it with a smile on your lovely peaceful face.

> The best solution is to acknowledge how you really feel, give yourself
  permission to feel that way, and keep on keeping on.

> May you be warm, safe, and protected by a UPS -- real or virtual.

I agree, and I have a UPS!  Christmas is just a lot of commercial hot air
designed to convince people they have to spend money for gifts neither the giver
nor the recipient has any use for.  I gave up Christmas shopping long ago, wish
December could be more like any other time of year.

Unseasonably mild weather, which has now given way to real winter, has left my
body accustomed to warm weather.  If the weather would jump back into summer and
the room temperature go up to 29 C, I would be quite comfortable, and no cold
feet in bed.

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