On Wed, 09 Jan 2002, Glenn McCorkle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Ok, looks like I owe you all an apology.

> I did not make myself clear in my original post.


NO...!!!! NO...!!!...NO...!!!...please do NOT apologize...listen..
sure, you guys were having an argument....but..since this is the
ArachneList...it classifies as more of an argumentative-discussion
...<g g g g>...BUT....that is where we get our MORE clear picture..
..in the back-and-forth of different opinions...so...please don't

> Linux is a great OS even without any of those services which might be
> vulnerable to attack through the security holes in said services.

> But, that's just my opinion. ;-)

IMNSHO...you're absolutely right..!!!!!.....<g g g g>...and that's
why I think this discussion has been very beneficial..

> Again... I am sorry for any confusion that I may have caused.

Again, please do NOT apologize...we all know you and Steve and Steven..
...we are used to working with you...if (and I don't say that this is
so, in this case) we thought you were out of line, we would be inclined
to cut you some slack, anyway..so...just keep on...


PS...Jake says you have that STUB32, which has disappeared from the
ArachnePage...so...????.....is it small enough to email-attach to
me...???.......<g g g g>

PPS...and thanks to Steve and Steven and risci, et al for contributing
to a fine and informative discussion, about our "next-favorite" OS..

-- This mail was written by user of Arachne, the Ultimate Internet Client

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