HI List,
        although some month ago I would like attention to the following..

I asked for an email alias at amsat.org where I had to fill some forms
at the home-page... and that did not work.

Arachne could not handle the HTML 'ENCTYP' command.
Amsat's SYSOP, Paul Williamson, did change this command to please
Arachne users => a great service.

He also knew there once was a discussion on the Arachne list about this
problem known as: the 'frozen form' problem.

Does anyone remember? And is their a cure?
Not all webmasters are that kind to change their page :-)))
Most don't even recognize the problem let alone take any trouble..

CU Bastiaan

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From: Paul Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 02:46 AM 8/7/2002 +0000, you wrote:
>One thing does not function still.
>I got a reply email from amsat stating the following:
>"To make changes to your mail alias visit this URL... following a very
>long URL.
>I clicked on this and the URL was there... but not the answer how to act
>if something must be changed in the mail alias.

You should have reached a page that said "Alias [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Administration. Your real address is currently: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What do you want to do?" followed by a "Delete this alias" button and a
"New address" field with a "Change my address" button.

If that's not what you saw, you ended up on the wrong screen. What did you see?

If the tool can't validate the special URL, you might end up at a page
entitled "Bad Administration URL" or at a page that says "No callsign
specified" and offers to let you start over by entering your callsign.

The most common problem is that the URL got chopped up into two or more
lines by the email program. Check to see that the whole URL was used, from
"http" to the 8-character hexadecimal password at the end of the URL. Users
of some email programs have to copy-and-paste the separate parts of the URL
into the browser and then hit enter. In the worst case, you might have to
retype the URL from your mail program to your browser.

I typed in the full URL to Arachne 1.70 and got the correct page. So it's
not just the length of the URL, or anything Arachne can't handle about it.
At least, not in 1.70.

>  (Same ENCTYP/ACTION problem?)

I don't think so. This is a different type of transaction.

I added explicit actions to every form generated by the aliastool CGI
script. Though admittedly I didn't bother to test them all.

>BTW: any objections if I CC this to the Arachne discussion list?

No objection.

>Maybe Bernie or Glenn do have some solution for the "frozen form"
>problem... not all webmasters do change their sites to help Arachne
>clients. :-) :-) :-)

If you really need access to a web form, you can always make a local copy
of the page with the form on it, add an ACTION equal to the URI of the
original page, and visit that with your browser. With a multi-stage
form-driven transaction like the one on amsat.org, you would need to do
that for each page. Not pretty, but not impossible either.

73  -Paul

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