On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Menedetter) wrote:

> I don't see what benefit blocking legitmate yahoo/hotmail users has !!
> it's IMHO plain silly.

> It will not lower the amount of spam you get, but it will frustrate many 

Yes, it does....my ISP allows me to block entire domains, and I have
both hotmail and yahoo and msn and a host of others blocked.  Then, I
can also "permit" individual users as exceptions to that overall block.
...and it VASTLY reduces the amount of spam I get.  Please don't try
to make me worried by saying that I am "missing important messages"
by blocking whole domains....I'm not missing anything....<g g g>

> such ISPs are idiots, unable to handle their software, which act AGAINST the
> "will of the internet" which is free communication.

If "will of the internet" paid for my ISPs, my telephone line,
equipment, and computers/software, plus my time spent setting things
up to work best for me, THEN "will of the internet" could, maybe, try
to cram "free communication" down my throat...until it does...hey..
I'm blocking junk...and that is that..!!

> And it will not reduce the amount of spam you get at all !!!

Oh, yes it does.  You make that statement without knowing the 
volume I got before blocking and the volume I now get, plus, I can
easily go check to see "how many Mbytes has been blocked today"...<g>

On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, "Glenn McCorkle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My ISP decided to block all eMails originating from any
> ISP in the .ru domain.
> (too many spams coming from .ru to suit their tastes)

> This prevented me from recieving any messages from Mithgol.

> Since Mithgol has not tried sending any messages to me recently...
> I don't know wheather or not the block has been removed.

> As you can see.
> Blocking eMails from particular ISPs or entire domains is not the answer.

Maybe in your case, just ONE case, here, this has been deleterious.
...and...maybe it IS an imposition by your ISP...  Where it is my ISP
setting it up for ME to do the "whole domain blocking" then it is
NOT deleterious, and not an imposition.  

> IMO,
> The answer to spam is.

> Delete 'em, forget 'em.

IMNSHO.....block 'em, BEFORE I even see them....he he..."out of sight,
out of mind".......<g g g g g>


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