Hello Fellow Arachnids:

Someone on this list suggested that I look into the shell accounts
provided by "http://www.neandertech.com";

Well, I went there and did that and I signed up for a shell account
running in a Linux box.  They offer shell accounts on the six-month
plan only.  $14.95 for six months of service.  With my shell account
I get PINE running on a remote server.  Also I get access to their
"free" webmail, which isn't really free unless you are a subscriber
to one of their services.  I found that the webmail works with Arachne
for DOS and with LINKS for BasicLinux and with LYNX386 for DOS.  Also
I found that their webmail is also accessible by POP3 client software,
but this fact is not advertised on their site.  They provide also their
own smtp server for use by the subscribers to their shell accounts!  I
tested the email service by using the POP3 client within Nettamer.   I
have learned from experience that any POP3 service that works with
Nettamer will work also with Arachne.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  To use the Neandertech service you have to use your full
email address there as your login name.

I login to my shell account at Neandertech via SSHDOS.  I haven't yet
tried to login there by using Telnet.

I found the default configuration for PINE on the remote server somewhat
fouled up.  I had to change some things in the setup.  There are some
tricks involved to set up PINE for use with a POP inbox instead of for an
IMAP inbox.  So far I have my PINE email working fine on my remote shell
account, but I am having login failures and authentication failures for
newsgroups.  Another problem with my Neandertech shell account is that I
am having login and authentication failures for FTP.  Tonight I wrote to
their tech support folks to ask them to look into these problems.  I
believe that FTP privileges and newsgroup access is supposed to be
included with the shell accounts.

As far as Neandertech's "almost free" webmail and POP3 service is
concerned, I find them the most DOS-friendly and BasicLinux-friendly
service that I have ever discovered or learned about in recent years.
Unlike most shell accounts, Neandertech offers POP3 *and* SMTP!

All the best,

Sam Heywood
-- This mail was written by user of The Arachne Browser - http://arachne.cz/

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