Hi Glenn!

29 Nov 2002, "Glenn McCorkle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 GM> Can you answer the question of why Dos_Lynx, Linux_NS and Win95_NS
 GM> are automatically Gzipping ara171ue.exe when it downloaded.
NO !!!

It's the other way round.
Arachne and M$IE gunzip the file on their own.

Sane Browsers do not.
And it seems the angelfire server automatically gzip some files befor sending.

 GM> The content-type that Angelfire is sending is
 GM> "application/x-msdownload"
M$download relies IMHO on MSIE automatically gunzipping the file again.

 GM> Arachne downloads the file just fine. 1,039,025 bytes.
because she gunzips it !

 GM> All 3 of the others Gzip the file
no but they simply do not gunzip it !!!

 GM> Why is this happening????
see above

 GM>  Glenn

CU, Ricsi

|~)o _ _o  Richard Menedetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> {ICQ: 7659421} (PGP)
|~\|(__\|  -=> Applied emotion is the key to success with happiness <=-

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