Has this question evaporated in cyber space? Resending message, Bastiaan

On Fri, 29 Nov 2002 21:02:09 -0400, Glenn McCorkle wrote:

> On Fri, 29 Nov 2002 17:52:09 +00, Bastiaan Edelman, PA3FFZ wrote:

>> Hi Arachnoids  The continueing story...

>> A few weeks ago I installed Arachne 1.71UE and all seemed OK until I
>> started pppglenn.htm (?) by accident... all information was lost and I was
>> supposed to reinstall the whole thing :-((

> pppglenn.htm has nothing to do with it.
Right, glenmcc.acf was the disrupting file.

******** Your Computer and related problems ************

As stated before Arachne freezes is "Your Computer" or "\\" is clicked
My solution is to replace the ikon and the connected html with "A:\
diskette"... but this is not a solution to the \\bug.

I got to "Desktop" and than to "all files".
Next pressed F4 to edit "all files".

<A REMOVABLE HREF="@:*.*>\\</A>
would it be possible to change this line for eg. "D:\*.*">D:</A>

Yes... now I could go to the D:\ drive

But the next Arachne session the \\bug was back again.
As i don't know what a 'removable' HREF is I removed this tag and made
it: <A HREF="D:\*.*">D:\</A> and D:\ could be accessed again.

But the next Arachne session the \\bug was back again.

So the 'removable' HREF tag is not that removable... oh no, it is back
and NOT removable at all.
But why? What is wrong with <A HREF="D:\*.*">D:\</A> ?

| SAVE & VIEW  [F2] |

click on save & view = save & view
hitting F2 = not save & view          (also in Arachne 1.61)

**************** CDROM
I commented out any CDROM refference and changed the name of Arachne CD
ikon... but the Your Computer error is still there.

The laptop I use now to write this does not even have a CDROM-player but
is suffering also. Version 1.61 so I have my doubts about the CDROM

BTW: what is \\ supposed to do or show anyway?

**************** Video on the fly
This is working well now!

To be continued...


> --
> Glenn
> http://arachne.cz/
> http://www.delorie.com/listserv/mime/
> http://www.angelfire.com/id/glenndoom/download.htm
> http://www.thispagecannotbedisplayed.com/

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