On Sat, 07 Dec 2002 23:22:44 -0400, Glenn McCorkle wrote:

> On Sat, 07 Dec 2002 21:58:08 -0700, G J Feig wrote:

>> On Sat, 7 Dec 2002, "Laurie L Proud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> JPG image or a BMP using windows central print services (if I could
>>> persuade www.HP.COM to give me a driver for the Deskjet 500 for W95
>>> rather than the mountain of Javascript I got yesterday)

>> and....."Glenn McCorkle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> http://www.concentric.net/~ravitz/
>>> v1.32m is dated Aug 18, 2002 and is in a ZIP of only 295,502 bytes.
>>> This ZIP includes BOTH the Dos executable AND the windows executable.
>>> (now that's what I call anti-bloat)<g g g>

>> Glenn....where DO you find this stuff....????.....myboy...it looks
>> like you spend WAAAAAAYYYY too much time surfing and finding neat
>> stuff, like this...<g g g g g g g>
>> I went and got ALL his stuff....<g>
>> I recommend it to all other listmembers.....

> I DO spend waaaayyyy too much time at this.

> But....
> It doesn't take much time at-all for some stuff.
> In fact, it's quite easy (sometimes), to find  this stuff. <g>
> http://www.google.com/search?q=printgf

I just went there... and this gives a download page leading to a mirror
"nearest you". Clicking on whatever mirror site does not download the
zip file: nothing happened :-((

Bastiaan (v. 1.61)

> --
> Glenn
> http://arachne.cz/
> http://www.delorie.com/listserv/mime/
> http://www.angelfire.com/id/glenndoom/download.htm
> http://www.thispagecannotbedisplayed.com/

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