On Tue, 03 Dec 2002 19:00:36 +00, you wrote:

> Hi Laury

> I use Arachne in straight DOS... not in the win95 dos box.
> The computer boots to DOS and installs the small CTMOUSE.

> If I want to use win I give the command: "win" on the DOS commandline.

> 73 de Bastiaan, PA3FFZ

Hi Bastiaan,  

You are doing what I should be doing as I found Arachne is much faster
booted into Dos rather than a windows dos box.  I was looking through
my archive of past sent messages and it has reminded me.

While I was experimenting with boot GUI=0 I did find I had the
famous "My computer IKN" problem with a hard lock up when I clicked the
IKN, and I haven't got a CD installed.

So that problem and the wait for the win boot up persuaded me to run
Arachne in Windoze.  I have to use W95 to do anything else with files.
I could avoid this of course by putting Norton Commander on this
machine, and using that instead of windoze for local file work.

That's not a bad idea.

73 Laurie G0LLP

-- Arachne V1.71;UE01, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/

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