On  8 Dec 02 at 0:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>So, all known major problems have been fixed.  No new problems
>have been introduced.  Quite a bit of new functionality and
>enhancement has been added.

What about the X-swap errors? They are not entirely new. But they
CAN make the new version unusable for someone. Would it at least
be possible to write an warning/help page in order to explain which
functions (eg. mail scripts) can cause trouble and what a user
can to do to avoid it?

>There will NEVER be a perfect version.  There will never be a
>final version (unless you burn the source code....<g g g>....).

Only do not forget that the current version will be the one that
will be downloaded by newbies. Probably it is better to make a
difference between stable and not-so-stable version.

Zdravím, Christof Lange


 Christof Lange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Prokopova 4, 130 00 Praha 3, Czech Republic
 phone: (+420-2) 22 78 06 73 / 22 78 20 02

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