Hi Samuel!

14 Dec 2002, "Samuel W. Heywood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 >> And after the user notices that he can't play his&her MP3s for
 >> example it will be too late. Until than the wonderful and highly
 >> intelligent, but not at all lobby controlled (hahahahaha) US
 >> government, will make a lobby protection home act, which forbades
 >> selling normal computers, which lack "trustworthy features", and
 >> George W will sign the death sentences for people "dealing" with
 >> normal computers himself.
 SH> George W. would never sign a ban against the selling of normal
 SH> computers.
He has already stated that he will ! (no death sentences though ... not yet)

 SH> Such a ban would be contrary to the support of Free Enterprise, a
 SH> concept very strongly endorsed and supported by the Republican Party,
 SH> of which George W.
$$$ is strongly endorsed by W
And the TPCA _WILL_ be reality.
(PS: on paper this will not be contrary to free enterprise)

It's already clear.
First wave will be TPCA chips on the mainboard and all peripherials.
Second wave TPCA functionality directly in the CPU. (Intel and AMD already
announced it !!)

 SH> Furthermore, such a ban would be illegal because it would be totally
 SH> contrary to the anti-monopoly laws.
Why ??
TPCA functionality can be built by anybody, and TPCA compliant OSes can be made
by anybody (who has the money to test TCPA conformity) at least im theory.

 SH> It would be illegal also under the First Ammendment of the US
 SH> Constitution which guarantees freedom of speech.  The writing of
 SH> computer programs is a protected freedom of speech.
Have you read the DMCA ??
Skylarov (Elcomsoft) has been lured into a trap by the FBI and has been

University professor in GB (have forgotten tha name) refuses to present his
scientific work about DVDs in the US, because he would be arrested at that very
moment as he enters US land.


Wake up please.

DMCA was the first step of the RIAA ...
it did not suceed as they wanted it, so they endorse now the TPCA.

And please don't forget that not free speech is important for W but $$$$$$.

 >> Afterwards the import of open source will be forbidden, because it
 >> is a copy protection circumvention device (I LOVE DMCA terminology)
 SH> Open source software is not designed *for the purpose* of
 SH> circumventing copyright protection.
Yes it is.

TPCA consists of 2 components. hardware and software.
Only if both are TCPA compliant, than the RIAA is happy.

So it will:
1) be banned to sell computers which do not include TCPA functionality
2) every OS which does not support TCPA will be banned

2) means that any OS which does not contain TCPA functionality is against the
new DMCA II law, and is therefor illegal !!

 SH> The software is not designed *for the purpose* of defeating copyright
 SH> protection.
According to the announced laws *EVERY* OS not containing TCPA functionality
*IS* defeating copy protection.

 SH> Here is an interesting analogy for you:
interesting maybe ... but absolutely NOT suitable.

Simply google for Trusted Computing Platform Alliance and read a source which
you believe in.

Here is the official HP. (written by the "RIAA" so no negative consequences

 SH> Sam Heywood

CU, Ricsi

|~)o _ _o  Richard Menedetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> {ICQ: 7659421} (PGP)
|~\|(__\|  -=> Could you be a little more vague, counselor? <=-

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