Hi Folks, L.D.,

On Sat, 14 Dec 2002 22:23:20 -0400, L.D. Best wrote:

> First, it must be understood that "illegal" and "unConstitutional" has
> NEVER stopped the gov't of the USA.

   Or various governments in other countries.

> George W Bush signed orders which allowed people to read your e-mail and
> record your private conversations and peek into your bank account and
> even check out what sorts of books you get from the public library.

  And the Australian government is trying to get a very similar set of
powers through parliament at the moment.

> George W would, and will, sign any type of bill which he thinks he can
> squeeze into being under the guise of "homeland security."

   An attitude shared by our Prime Minister.

> Never in the life of the USA have we been less secure than now -- and
> the bad part is that foreign terrorists are not the source of that
> insecurity ... the government is.

   Listen to L.D., folks.  This is real, and it isn't just the USA !

> But I do want people to open up their eyes and try to prove me wrong
> when I say this country is currently in more jeopardy than it has been
> in since about 1812.  

   Even to an outsider this is obvious.

   What surprises me is that the freedoms of US citizens have already
been diminished, and nobody has made any significant protest. 

   When big business owns enough elected officials, then the bean
counters will rule the world. 

   Time for my medication.......     :)


Ron Clarke
-- This mail was written by user of The Arachne Browser - http://arachne.cz/

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