Hey crew,

                    SEASONS ... whatever };>

        T'was two weeks before Christmas, and all through the list
          hidden lurkers were stating that they got the gist
        Of the message one miscreant started to shout
          "I'm here by mistake, LET ME OUT, LET ME OUT!"

        While we on the list, who had no control
          were treated with bad words that started to roll.
        And when I said "spam blocker" there arose yet more chatter
          that being able to fix it themselves matter!

        Not much to my wonder, since they all used Windoze,
          their "logic" and manners, to be succinct,

        Explain all you like that "listers" don't manage,
          control, or otherwise cause Majordomo damage
        And it does no good ... they don't hear a thing
          and into our mailboxes they continue to bring

        Their gripes and their grouses, their whining and pining
          to escape from the list -- by some magical devining?? --
        Filled all the bandwidth with pixels and pouting
          and ASCII-ish boorish downright juvenile shouting.

        But we need not worry, when you stop to think
          that with our Arachne, as fast as a blink,
        We can right click, right click, DELETE clear out things
          from our Inbox without
             a CTRL key
             or trash can
             or FILE click
               on a whole screen at once.
        While others pound sand and act like a dunce.

        To those who love CLI, who can Telnet/FTP
          by themselves without GUI -- can feel Windoze free --
        A reminder that even unpleasantries pass
          if we simply IGNORE THEM with class.

        Such is my promise, since names always show,
          I shall Right Click Delete
             and thus never need know
        Should some people continue their senseless demand
          and I won't need to empty any silly Trash Can.

-- 2002 All right reserved, all wrong ignored, all smiles welcome

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