On Sun, 15 Dec 2002 17:23:29 -0500, Sam Ewalt wrote:

> On Thu, 12 Dec 2002 17:10:43 -0400, Glenn McCorkle wrote:

>>> Thank you, Glenn. Incidently, the counter on your page does not
>>> work with my Arachne 1.70r3.

>> Did you load the images and get the attached ???

> I always load images. The counter doesn't show.  So I reloaded
> the page and relaoded the images and still the counter doesn't
> show.

Did you scroll douwn just a bit on the page?
(the counter is just below the bottom of the first screen)

If you already scrolled-down.

What *do* you see just to left of the words ..hits since Oct 30, 2002

What *should* be there before loading images is the empty image box
with the 'alt tag' text "counter" in it.

After the image has loaded.
You *should* see the JPG image of a 6 digit counter.
(with the hit I just now made..... it is currently at 000193)


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