Hi Folks, Bob,

On Mon, 16 Dec 2002 00:03:11 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> All of which is very encouraging to me. I think that you kindred spirits
> can readily understand my desire for a VIEWER that will pass government
> inspection.

    This might be a silly thought (I have a lot, but share only a few),
but have you considered any of the freely available "off-line" HTM viewers ?
These never had communications appendages right from the start, so
shouldn't frighten the horses, so to speak.

   I am thinking of Nav-Road and Kevin Solway's VH.EXE and the like.

  They don't have the HTML-rendering finesse of Arachne, true, but they
will show the text, some graphics on request, and will follow some
hyperlinks. I use VH as an HTML viewer "plug-in" for DOS Navigator and
it works just fine.

  Another suggestion - WizLynx re-compiled without the dial-up/ or
packet driver stuff. What about it Glenn (Wiz) ?


Ron Clarke
-- This mail was written by user of The Arachne Browser - http://arachne.cz/

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