On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Bart Buitinga wrote:

>    LINUX
> ...
> Routing is still completely obscure to me. It must be possible to put up
> some table on Hoppla, passing the modems tcp-ip connection on to the eth0
> as long as the ISP delivers ip addresses, but no luck so far.

  Some stuff from my old LOG file:
  Obviously, change the 192.168.24 to 10.0.0.
This was what I was using when I had the W95 machine on eth0
and the internet on ppp0.  This allowed me to dial up the 
Linux machine, and my wife and I could both surf at the same 
time.  Sharing a 33.6 modem wasn't really that bad unless we 
were both downloading something large at the same time... 
then we each had the equivalent of a 16.8 modem.  :-/
(I say that with the memory of my impression at the time.  
Now that I'm totally spoiled with broadband, 33.6 would be 
intolerably slow, nevermind 16.8.)


Here are the commands for getting IP Masquerading up:  
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
ipchains -A forward -p all -s -d -i ppp0 -j MASQ

  You probably don't need this, but you might see something 
there that gives you an "aha" moment if ip masquerading by 
itself doesn't do the trick.


commands for getting network up:

/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.0.36-3/net/tulip.o
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 netmask up
/sbin/route add -net netmask eth0
/sbin/route add default ppp0

> Other starange behaviour of zen: since I put up the new kernel, mc and top
> wouldn't run any more, while during startup /proc appeared to be missing
> (that might also have to do with copying the entire UMSDOS tree around over
> an ftp link with wsftp/win95; maybe an empty dir wasn't copied). So I
> created /proc, and found mc and top starting to run but only after some 5
> minutes. Either some timeout that has to do with the routing compiled in
> the kernel, or another aspect of none mounting /proc. Maybe some other
> empty dir is used in this procedure?

  If you were missing /proc, that WILL be the "root" of all 
kinds of problems.  You absolutely need /proc, as that's 
a kernel info database that just looks like a file system.  
There is no actual /proc directory on the hard disk 
anywhere.  For instance, do 
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo 
  The information isn't returned from an actual "file" but 
from data the kernel has recorded about the cpu.

  Without /proc... I don't even see how Linux could run at 

>    OTHER

  Sorry, no help here on that front.

Steve Ackman
http://twoloonscoffee.com       (Need green beans?)
http://twovoyagers.com          (glass, linux & other stuff)

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