There's a port number 0 below; was the modem autodetected? Did you try the
autodetect (from Setup choose ppp-wizard)?
where are the other com ports (perhaps check your bios setup to enter some
standard config com1=2f8 com2=2e8 com3=3f8 com4=3e8 (if I'm not mistaken;
real standard numbrs are mentioned on arachnes "internal ppp-support page);
if bios configuration is set to "auto" sometimes other values are assigned
leaving arachne with an unrecognised port, where maybe miniterm just sends
its output and makes the modem dial while epppd doesn't get the proper
configuration to read the ip address. I think msd would be the way to find
out your other port addresses in dos6x, the bios setup can usually be
accessed by pressing <del> while the system is counting its memory during
startup (or repeatedly pressing <del> from the moment you switch on until
you see some options menu, if there is some graphics display)

rule for the bios setup: make sure your onboard comports are 1 and 2 or
just 1, but avoid assigning 2 or 3 when 1 is open. If your comports are not
"onboard" but on a (ide) controller, you may have to check jumper settings
on that board, but better check the bios first. (usually "extendd bios
setup" or "integrated peripherals")

good luck,

At 18:27 9-1-03 -0500, you wrote:
>here we 
>;This is ARACHNE.CFG for Arachne version 1.6+
>;If you want to use Arachne on PC with CPU 486+ you should start here.
>;(tested on AMD K5/133). You should have really fast video card for
>;This configuration file can be completely controled from Arachne
>;Run "setup" if you are not sure what to change in configuration file.
>Connection @epppd.exe>>PPP.LOG
>Hangup 0x60>NUL
>;Connection @cmd    ... command cmd will estabilish connection
>;Connection READY   ... connection is permanent, packet driver in
>;Connection NUL     ... do not start TCP/IP (run "arachne -c" to force
>DialPage file:ppp_init.htm
>TerminalWindow @MINITERM.EXE
>UseTerminal No
>Port 0
>Irq 3
>Base D000
>Mode 8N1
>Speed 115200
>InitString AT&F&C1&D2
>DialString ATDT
>PhoneNumber 7244382355
>Autologin No
>WaitFor1 name:
>Response1 \u
>WaitFor2 sword:
>Response2 \p
>WaitFor3 >
>Response3 ppp
>PPPusername horsezip
>;Port values: 0=non-standard serial (COM) port, 1-4 standard ports
>;Base values: 0x??? (eg. 0x3e8) - Base and Irq are used for "Port 0"
>;Mode values: databits/parity/stopbits (eg. 8N1)
>IP_Address PPP
>IP_Grab IP address set to
>;IP_Address n.n.n.n  ... fixed IP address
>;IP_Address PPP      ... for PPP.EXE and PPPD.EXE (get address from
>;IP_Address BOOTP    ... WatTcp attepmts to use BOOTP protocol
>;IP_Address %enviro% ... Minuet style (enviroment variable, like
>;IP_Address WATTCP   ... use ONLY values from TCPconfig (variable
>;IP_Grab string      ... prefix of IP address in PPP.LOG ("IP address
>set to")
>;TCPconfig filename  ... name of WatTcp configuration file (often
>POP3username user
>POP3password xxxx
>KeepOnServer No
>PersonalName Arachne User
>Organization Arachne Fan Club
>TimeZone -0500
>UseSignature Yes
>SignatureFile SIGN.TXT
>MailEncoding MIME
>MailSortOrder DateSnt
>KillSent No
>MailIdxTemplate idxhead.htp
>ForwardString1 ----- Forwarded message begin -----
>ForwardString2 ------ Forwarded message end ------
>ReplyString On %s, %s wrote:
>MyCharset US-ASCII
>MailBodyEncoding 7bit
>;MailSortOrder values: DateRcv|DateSnt|Address|Subject
>UseProxy No
>FTPusername user
>FTPpassword xxxxxx
>FTPpath /home/user/www/index.html
>AcceptCharset ISO-8859-1,*
>Hotlist .\HOTLIST.HTM
>History .\HISTORY.LST
>CookieFile .\COOKIES.LST
>CacheIndex .\CACHE.IDX
>CachePath CACHE\
>Cache2TEMP Yes
>MailPath MAIL\
>DownloadPath DOWNLOAD\
>Logo 2000
>LoadImages Yes
>Frames Yes
>JPEGargs -bmp
>FILEargs -l
>RefreshDelay 5
>ScreenSaver 0
>ScreenSaverStyle R
>ScreenSaverColors 0
>ESC Exit
>F3key file:*.htm
>AutoF3key Yes
>BigFont No
>ScrollBarSize 14
>ScrollBarStyle NextStep
>Colors 11 0
>MouseColors 15 15
>VirtualScreen 5000
>ScreenMode Auto
>SmoothScroll Yes
>ScrollStep 50
>BgColor #000000
>Text #F0F0F0
>Link #00FF00
>Background back.gif
>ExitOnHangup No
>ASCIIwidth 78
>HTMLtext #000000
>HTMLbgColor #C4C4C4
>HTMLlink #0000C4
>;AfterPOP3 smtp:
>;AfterSMTP file:mail.htm
>ShiftF1 file://doc/howto.htm
>ShiftF2 file://oops\*.*
>ShiftF3 file:*.*
>ShiftF4 file://examples\newfile.htm
>ShiftF10 file://readmail.dgi
>AltTab No
>EditHotlistEntry Yes
>Autodial No
>UseCID No
>UseCDescr No
>AltSysFont 0
>Index *.htm
>FontShift 0
>Multitasking Yes
>XMS4allGIFs 4096
>XMS4oneGIF 1040000
>CSS Yes
>;ScrollBarStyle values: NextStep|Windows|Arachne|X
>;BgColor,Text,Link values: #RRGGBB (hexadecimal values of red, green
>and blue)
>;VirtualScreen value: vertical number of pixels, 0 disables virtual
>;ScreenMode values: Auto|Smart|Nice
>;BodyArachne values: System|Default|All
>;Colors values are <ink 0..15> <paper 0..15>
>SavePasswords Yes
>Cookies Yes
>HTTPreferer Yes
>;FakeFTPeMail user@domain
>UseKeyMap No
>MinDiskSpace 128
>Kill468x60 No
>CacheFonts Yes
>ScreenSaverMess 20
>MINITERM 1.65 - external dialer for PPP/SLIP drivers. (c)2000 Arachne
>* Reading configuration file C:\ARACHNE\ARACHNE.CFG
>* Initializing modem. Press <Esc> to abort.
>* Dialing 7244382355. Press <Esc> to abort.
>CONNECT 28800 V42bis
>* Leaving MINITERM and trying SLIP/PPP. Press <Ctrl>+<Pause> to abort.
>PPPD status: IP address set to 

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