On Mon, 27 Jan 2003 "L.D. Best" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

<I snipped the original, and excellent, commentary about mutation - see
the original message>
> What I find most special about life is the surprises.  Who would think
> [I certainly wouldn't have a couple of decades ago] that people from
> around the world who are all interested in a single DOS internet
> interface would also have much more knowledge they are willing and able
> to share, and that debate of differing views could take place without 
> any flame wars! 

Yes, these (life's surprises and the dialogs) bring a smile to my face,
also. Pretty cool stuff, really.

Our own little UN (UN-windoze) Council has debated many of the world's
problems, yet (so far) nobody has threatened to kill another Arachnid. 

A few were close, but Clarence (with unanimous council approval)
liberated them from captivity. Unlike the physical world, everyone in
Cyberspace is free to change their citizenship (although they often
receive "letters from home" for quite some time). <G>



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