Hi Samuel!

09 Feb 2003, "Samuel W. Heywood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Usage: scpdos [options] from to

from <username@remotehost:remotefile|localfile>
to   <username@remotehost:remotefile|localfile>

scp order.html [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/public_html/

so scp from to
means that from is a local file named order.html
and to is user=user host=twoloo... and file is ~/public_html/

the exact same syntax as your dos scp.

PS: note: ~ in unix is the home dir ... IMHO Steve could have used public_html
instead of ~/public_html/

 SH> The syntax you use with your linux scp program has no similarity to
 SH> the syntax which the unhelpful help screen for my DOS version attempts
 SH> to hint at.
?? it is exactly the same.

 SH> I tried anyway using a syntax according to your example
 SH> and I tried some things similar. Nothing happened for me.
It would be much easier if you show us what you have tried, and what error
messages you got.

OK in the next mail you wrote you get invalid packet.
Could be a problem with the ssh versions.

There is ssh1 and ssh2 possibly the dos client can only talk ssh1 and the
server only ssh2 ??
ssh1 is often disabled because of security issues.
(if you want I can give you a testaccount here ... my server makes a fallback
.. it tries ssh2 and if it fails it tries ssh1)

 SH> Sam Heywood

CU, Ricsi

|~)o _ _o  Richard Menedetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> {ICQ: 7659421} (PGP)
|~\|(__\|  -=> Life's too short to dance with ugly women <=-

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