On Fri, 06 Jun 2003 09:09:13 +0930, Greg Mayman wrote:

> Here is an interesting problem I've noticed with the Compose Mail or
> Reply, or the Modify outgoing mail functions:

> If I edit the To: CC: Subject: and Attachments: fields, then I use the
> external editor to write the message or reply, when I return, the above
> fields have all reverted to what they were before I entered data or
> editied them.

> This is obviously a nuisance, as one is inclined to fill in these fields
> first, since they are at the top of the page, before one edits the
> message.

> Is there any reason why it should be so?

This nuisance you have reported has been commented on many
times before.  There is most probably a reason why it should
be so.  Now that we have a GPL version of Arachne there might
some hope of fixing it.  IMHO, fixing this problem should go
on the back burner for now because it is just a minor nuisance
for those who are aware of the problem and know how to deal
with it.  Also because some of the most minor nuisances are
often among the most difficult to fix.

Sam Heywood
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