On Sat, 31 May 2003 18:22:00 +0900, Kali Mclaughlin wrote:
> On Fri, 30 May 2003 13:33:12 -0400 (EDT), Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I can add a funny Window$ story though -
> We used to use Winfax until Y2K made its Sydney agents suddenly desert!
> their shop. What  Winfax did was to get the "time to send" settings
> wrong, by about a century!

Hmmm... sounds familiar...

> So I started using DOSFAX which is fine once you find out all the
> nasties -  it trips over just about every TSR in the machine.  I just
> rem out everything in config.sys when I am contemplating sending a fax.

You need these which I got from a package TRSCOM29.ZIP from Timo Salmi's
site at the U of Vaasa http://garbo.uwasa.fi/

===begin quote==================================

MARK.COM and RELEASE.EXE are used to remove TSR's from memory, without
requiring a system reboot. In their simplest form, MARK and RELEASE
are used as follows:

1. Run MARK before installing your TSR(s). This marks the current
position in memory and stores information that RELEASE will later need
to restore the system. A common place to call MARK is in your

2. Install whatever TSR's you want, using the normal method for each

3. To remove those TSR's from memory, run RELEASE. This will release
all of the memory above (and including) the last MARK, and will
restore the system to the state at the time the MARK was made.

===end quote==================================

I suggest you use a separate batch file to place the MARK and load the
TSRs, then you can re-run the batch file to reload them after you've
done the fax.

from Greg Mayman, in Adelaide, South Australia
  "Queen City of the South"  34:55S  138:36E

-- Arachne V1.71;UE01, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/

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