On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 15:23:02 -0800, Ray Andrews wrote:

> Hi All,

>> from Glenn McCorkle:

>>> I disagree.
>>> IMHO,
>>> Arachne is still "Michael's baby".
>>> It's not GPL until *HE* says it's GPL.
>>> I *will* wait (no matter how long it takes),
>>> for Michael to say "OK, release it".

> I understand and share the frustrations some of us are having with the time
> it's taking for the GPL release.  I'm itching to get my paws on the
> Arachne sources (as Glenn well knows), but I still think Mr. McC is doing the
> right thing by waiting--like it or not, folks, Arachne still belongs to
> Michael, and it wouldn't be right to release it until he says so, tempting
> though it might be to jump the gun.

> Ray Andrews,
> Vancouver, Canada  (Please note new email address is "[EMAIL PROTECTED]")

Yes, I 100% agree with this statement...
Besides: Arachne is good and FREE for non commercial use.
And why not register? It is Michaels baby and registration will not cost
you an arm and a leg.
So, let's wait and hope Michael will regain interest in HIS Arachne
project and in the mailing list ;-(

CU, Bastiaan

Technische Redactie CQ-PA
Bastiaan Edelman, PA3FFZ
Attentie: e-mail adres bij Wanadoo niet meer gebruiken!


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