Hi Greg,

On Mon, 23 Jun 2003 13:00:23 +0930, Greg Mayman wrote:

> Hi List!

> Is there any way of telling Arachne _not_ to sort the outbox by date of
> last ammendment, and to leave the messages in the order they were
> originally written?

  The only obvious way is to "amend" them in the order you want them to
be listed - even if some "amends" do not include any actual change.

  They appear to be listed in file number sequence, and the file name 
given by Arachne is chronologically sequential.


Ron Clarke
AUSREG Consultancy http://homepages.valylink.net.au/~ausreg/index.html
Tadpole Tunes      http://tadpole.mytunebook.de/
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