On Mon, 07 Jul 2003 05:34:35 -0500, Dean Coffey wrote:

> Don't know if this is the version you need (it's v0.33, released July 5,
> 2002) but it is available for download at this URL:  http://members.cox.net/
> dos/txtms03.htm , just over half-way down the page.  This page also has some
> basic instructions on it usage as well.  HTH.

Thanks Dean. One of my other correspondents sent me the URL
<http://www.winfiled.demon.nl/"; for AntiWord and the version for DOS
that I downloaded there was indeed that same version.

BTW, here is an extract from the HTML dump of that page, for a laugh. 

Note where the DOS version was tested, and the comments in the beginning 
of the next section ;-)

The DOS version is a port of my software by myself. I ported it to prove
that Antiword will also run on 16 bit systems.

Click to download version 0.33 (05 Jul 2002)</A> (size 174247 bytes) of

Note that this version of Antiword has only been tested on:
A DOS box of Windows NT4

Windows version
<IMG ALIGN=bottom SRC="gfx/DontDoWindows.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=173 HEIGHT=115
HSPACE=10 ALT="[I Don't Do Windows]">
I really don't.


-- Arachne V1.71;UE01, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/

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