On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 18:50:58 +0200, Michal H. Tyc wrote:

> On Thu, 10 Jul 2003 15:01:07 +00, Bastiaan Edelman, PA3FFZ wrote:

>> Before the numbers there is mostly not a "space". See
>> the remarks at the end of the attached ftp-log.

> Your FTP log shows all bytes transmitted by your modem,
> including the stuff needed to establish the modem connection
> with your provider, headers of all data frames with their
> lengths, checksums, etc., doesn't it? 

The log shows all bytes RECEIVED by the modem, the server transmitted.
Both sides, receive and transmit, can be monitored but... than i need 
a computer with 2 COM-ports.
The lines in the log marked with 2 are blank for the TX.

If both chanels are monitored it becomes quit interesting... watching the
queastion and answer dialogue in real time.

> I have never used a modem
> and I was never interested in the details, but I'm sure that
> more information is tranmitted than you can normally see on the
> screen. If I could list all Ethernet packets that come to me
> over LAN during my FTP sessions, I would probably see similar
> mess.

> Can you connect to your provider's FTP server with Windows'
> FTP.EXE command-line program (it should be included in all
> Win9x/NT versions), which works in a DOS window and grab the
> messages to the Clipboard? They will be much more readable
> and helpful, I think.

Never tried it and i did not know it is present in Win95.

For a good diagnosis of a problem you have to know all the facts...

> Or maybe MS Windows' FTP.EXE doesn't work with MS FTP server?
> It would be quite funny, wouldn't it?

Nothing will surprise us ;-)

> Michal


Technische Redactie CQ-PA
Bastiaan Edelman, PA3FFZ
Attentie: e-mail adres bij Wanadoo niet meer gebruiken!


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