Hi Sam,

On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 16:59:30 -0500, Samuel W. Heywood wrote:

> During the wee small hours of this morning I was unable to access
> my inbox.  I was also unable to access my remote shell account.  I
> couldn't access any web sites either.  I could not get to anywhere on
> the internet.  I tried with both Arachne and with Lynx386, an
> alternative DOS browser.  Neither browser could access any web page
> I tried to go to.  I am certain that I was properly connected and
> logged on to my account at my ISP.  The problem persisted for a period
> of about 20 minutes.  Then the service suddenly returned to normal.
> Then I could access any site I wanted to without any problems.

> I sent an email to the tech-support people at my ISP to describe the
> problem I had experienced.  I mentioned the date and the time-frame when
> I had the problem.  I asked them if they had temporarily suspended their
> service during that period for performing routine maintenance and/or
> system backups.  Also I asked them if the ISP had perhaps experienced
> a denial-of-service attack.  They wrote back and thanked me for my email.
> Also they informed me that they have no idea as to what could have caused
> the problem.  They assured me that they know of nothing that was happening
> during that time on their end that could have caused the problem.

> Does anybody here have any ideas as to what could have caused the problem?

   I get that sort of thing happening here, too.  But with only one of
my 3 ISP accounts.  According to a techie friend (who used to be the
SysAdmin for that ISP) the problem was always a server malfunction, but
was always claimed by the ISP, when questioned, as:
  Congestion on the net
  It's the fault of the Telstra internet backbone
  It's raining and water has gotten into the telephone junctions
  You are in the Yarra Valley, aren't you - there's a fault at your
  No, nothing the matter here !
  Please check your setup.
  And so on.  Everything except something that was their fault.

  Does this sound familiar ?


Ron Clarke
AUSREG Consultancy http://homepages.valylink.net.au/~ausreg/index.html
Tadpole Tunes      http://tadpole.mytunebook.de/
-- This mail was written by user of The Arachne Browser - http://arachne.cz/

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