No surprises in the following..........

Microsoft given one month to clear name. 07/08/2003. ABC News On... Arachne 1.71;UE01       Thu, 07 Aug 2003 08:55:13

Update: Thursday, August 7, 2003. 7:17am (AEST)

Microsoft given one month to clear name

The European Union says it is giving Microsoft one last chance to clear
its name before it issues fines for abusing its dominant market

The EU says Microsoft has been squeezing out competitors to its Windows
Media Player and its low-end servers.

After a four-year long anti-trust investigation, the European Commission
says its preliminary conclusion is Microsoft's abuse of its dominant
market position is still continuing.

The EU says its investigation has found Microsoft is intent on crushing
rivals to its Windows Media Player and in the low-end server market.

The EC says that one of the key complaints is that the windows operating
system cannot talk to servers made by its competitors because Microsoft
refuses to reveal its programming code.

The EC also says tying the Media Player to the windows operating system
has weakened competition and reduced consumer choice.

The commission says it is giving Microsoft a month to response to the
conclusion or face fines that could be as high as 10 per cent of the
company's global earnings.

-- Arachne V1.71;UE01, NON-COMMERCIAL copy,

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