On Tue, 12 Aug 2003 22:47:29 +0200, Michael Polak wrote:

> Clarence Verge wrote:

>> I like Glenn's idea above.
>> Please warn us if you are willing to do it and then
>> just delete  /home/majordomo/lists/arachne.

> But if no one wants the mailing list, why there is still so significant
> traffic going to arachne-digest every day ? (well, I am not reading it
> any more... but arachne-digest appear in my INBOX quite often... still I
> don't have idea how the spam can get in, I deleted most of e-mails in
> wizards list, the originating addresses are not subscribed... it's weird...)

> M.P.

My luck communicating is weird too.
Just delete it and let the real users re-subscribe.

- Clarence Verge
- Using Arachne V1.71 because I hate Windows crap a lot more...

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