Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2009 @ 18:52:55
  Author: juergen
Revision: 60952

Merged revisions 356,18668,27124,60945 via svnmerge from 

  r356 | aaron | 2008-04-19 00:56:27 +0200 (Sa, 19 Apr 2008) | 1 line
  Added svn:keywords to all PKGBUILDs
  r18668 | juergen | 2008-11-08 16:17:12 +0100 (Sa, 08 Nov 2008) | 1 line
  added missing dependency perl-dbd-mysql
  r27124 | eric | 2009-02-16 07:33:36 +0100 (Mo, 16 Feb 2009) | 1 line
  Fixed source url
  r60945 | juergen | 2009-12-09 23:44:32 +0100 (Mi, 09 Dez 2009) | 1 line
  update to 0.22

    (from rev 60945, mythweb/trunk/mythweb.conf.apache)
  mythweb/repos/extra-i686/     (properties)

 PKGBUILD            |   24 +++--
 mythweb.conf.apache |  210 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

Property changes on: mythweb/repos/extra-i686
Modified: svnmerge-integrated
   - /mythweb/trunk:1
   + /mythweb/trunk:1-60951

Modified: extra-i686/PKGBUILD
--- extra-i686/PKGBUILD 2009-12-09 23:51:12 UTC (rev 60951)
+++ extra-i686/PKGBUILD 2009-12-09 23:52:55 UTC (rev 60952)
@@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
 # $Id$
 # Maintainer: Juergen Hoetzel <> 
-# Contributor: Philipp Giebel <>
+# Contributor: Philipp Giebel <>, Robert de Jager
 pkgdesc="Web interface for MythTV's backend"
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=("mythtv>=${pkgver}" 'apache' 'php')
+depends=("mythtv>=${pkgver}" 'php-apache' 'php' 'perl-dbd-mysql')
+source=("$pkgver.tar.bz2"; \
+  mythweb.conf.apache)
+md5sums=('09c8fa1058399a0c5db169a71561e985' 'dd3c2198b160d2e602390d4721b91232')
 build() {
-   mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/srv/www/mythweb/{image_cache,php_sessions}
-   cp -r $startdir/src/mythplugins-$pkgver/$pkgname/* 
-   cp $startdir/src/mythplugins-$pkgver/$pkgname/data/.htaccess 
-   rm $startdir/pkg/srv/www/mythweb/README
-   chown -R nobody:nobody $startdir/pkg/srv/www/mythweb
-   chmod g+rw $startdir/pkg/srv/www/mythweb/{image_cache,php_sessions,data}
+  mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/srv/http/mythweb/{image_cache,php_sessions}
+  cp -r ${srcdir}/mythplugins-$pkgver/mythweb/* ${pkgdir}/srv/http/mythweb
+#  cp ${srcdir}/mythplugins-$pkgver/mythweb/data/.htaccess 
+  rm ${pkgdir}/srv/http/mythweb/README
+  install -m644 ${srcdir}/mythweb.conf.apache 
+  chown -R http:http ${pkgdir}/srv/http/mythweb
+  chmod g+rw ${pkgdir}/srv/http/mythweb/{image_cache,php_sessions,data}

Copied: mythweb/repos/extra-i686/mythweb.conf.apache (from rev 60945, 
--- extra-i686/mythweb.conf.apache                              (rev 0)
+++ extra-i686/mythweb.conf.apache      2009-12-09 23:52:55 UTC (rev 60952)
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+# Apache configuration directives for MythWeb.  Please read INSTALL for setup
+# requirements and troubleshooting, along with the comments in this file.
+# If you intend to use authentication for MythWeb (see below), you will
+# probably also want to uncomment the following rules, which disable
+# authentication for MythWeb's download URLs so you can properly stream
+# to media players that don't work with authenticated servers.
+#    <LocationMatch .*/pl/stream/[0-9]+/[0-9]+>
+#        Allow from all
+#    </LocationMatch>
+#    <LocationMatch .*/music/stream.php>
+#        Allow from all
+#    </LocationMatch>
+#    /var/www
+#    /home/www/htdocs
+#    /var/www/html/mythweb
+#    /srv/www/htdocs/mythweb
+    <Directory "/srv/http/mythweb/data">
+        Options -All +FollowSymLinks +IncludesNoExec
+    </Directory>
+    <Directory "/srv/http/mythweb" >
+    # I *strongly* urge you to turn on authentication for MythWeb.  It is 
+    # by default because it requires you to set up your own password file.  
+    # see the man page for htdigest and then configure the following four 
+    # to suit your authentication needs.
+    #
+    #    AuthType           Digest
+    #    AuthName           "MythTV"
+    #    AuthUserFile       /var/www/htdigest
+    #    Require            valid-user
+    #    BrowserMatch       "MSIE"      AuthDigestEnableQueryStringHack=On
+    #    Order              allow,deny
+    #    Satisfy            any
+    #
+    #  * If you're running Apache earlier than 2.2, you will need to use
+    #    the AuthDigestFile command instead of AuthUserFile (3rd line above).
+    #
+    # Some special instructions for the MythWeb controller files
+    #
+        <Files mythweb.*>
+        #
+        # Use the following environment settings to tell MythWeb where you 
want it to
+        # look to connect to the database, the name of the database to connect 
to, and
+        # the authentication info to use to connect.  The defaults will 
usually work
+        # fine unless you've changed mythtv's mysql.txt file, or are running 
MythWeb on
+        # a different server from your main backend.  Make sure you have 
mod_env enabled.
+        #
+            setenv db_server        "localhost"
+            setenv db_name          "mythconverg"
+            setenv db_login         "mythtv"
+            setenv db_password      "mythtv"
+        #
+        # By default, MythWeb uses the hostname program to look up the 
hostname of the
+        # machine it runs on.  If this reports incorrect data, or you run 
MythWeb on a
+        # machine without the hostname program, set this to your current 
+        #
+        #   setenv hostname         "my_mythbox"
+        #
+        # By default, php will always search the current directory for include 
+        # but if you wish to install these directories outside of the current 
+        # (eg. for security reasons), set this variable to the directory that
+        # contains the directories like languages and templates.  eg.
+        #
+        #   setenv include_path      "/usr/share/mythweb"
+        # If you want MythWeb to email php/database errors (and a backtrace) 
to you,
+        # uncomment and set the email address below.
+        #
+        #   setenv error_email       ""
+        #
+        # If your local file system is something other than UTF-8, set this 
+        # so that the music and video portions of MythWeb can provide proper 
+        # to your downloadable files.
+        #
+        #   setenv fs_encoding       "ISO-8859-1"
+        </Files>
+    # The following settings relate to PHP config.
+    #
+        <Files *.php>
+        #  These settings are intended for apache 2.x.  If your version of 
+        #  doesn't support php_value, or things like memory_limit aren't 
+        #  as expected, then use these settings as examples for your own 
+        #  files.
+            php_value safe_mode                     0
+            php_value register_globals              0
+            php_value magic_quotes_gpc              0
+            php_value file_uploads                  0
+            php_value allow_url_fopen               On
+            php_value zlib.output_handler           Off
+            php_value output_handler                NULL
+        # If you have a large number of channels, you may need to increase this
+        # value to prevent PHP from running out of memory.
+            php_value memory_limit                  64M
+        # Note: php_flag does not work in older versions of php
+            php_flag output_handler                 "NULL"
+        </Files>
+    # The settings below relate specifically to mod_rewrite and the rewrite
+    # engine used to make the MythWeb user experience a little easier to deal
+    # with by simplifying the URLs needed to access the various sections.  Do
+    # not touch these settings unless you really know what you're doing..
+    #
+    # Turn on the rewrite engine
+        RewriteEngine  on
+    # If MythWeb is installed outside of the document root (eg. using Alias) 
+    # you will need to set this directive to the base URL that MythWeb is 
+    # from externally.  If you do not, the web server will return 'not found'.
+    #    RewriteBase    /mythweb
+    # Skip out early if we've already been through rewrites,
+    # or if this is a /css/, /js/ or /cache/ directory request.
+        RewriteRule    
^(css|data|images|js|themes|skins|README|INSTALL|[a-z_]+\.(php|pl))(/|$)     -  
+    # Redirect /pl/ requests to the perl cgi handler.
+        RewriteRule     ^(pl(/.*)?)$  $1               
+    # Redirect most of the remaining URL requests to the main mythweb script.
+    # It will then handle any requests given to it.
+        RewriteRule     ^(.+)$                  mythweb.php/$1              
+    # If you're experiencing trouble with the previous two lines in your copy 
+    # apache, you could instead use something like:
+    #    RewriteRule     ^(pl(/.*)?)$ $1    
+    #    RewriteRule     ^(.+)$                 mythweb.php?PATH_INFO=/$1   
+    # Catch anything else that comes through and send it to mythweb.php with 
no parameters.
+        RewriteRule     ^(.*)$                  mythweb.php                 
+    # You really shouldn't need to edit anything below this line, so please
+    # don't unless you know what you're doing.
+    #
+    # Allow .htaccess to override whatever it wants from the server config.
+        AllowOverride   All
+    # Allow browsers to follow symlinks that point outside of the web document
+    # tree.  This is how we access music, videos, etc.
+        Options         FollowSymLinks
+    # MythTV now uses the correct file suffix for mpeg files, so all .nuv files
+    # should actually be NuppleVideo.  However, apache probably doesn't know 
+    # those are, so we should tell it.
+        AddType video/nuppelvideo   .nuv
+    # Specify the MIME type for favicon.ico in case the server configuration
+    # doesn't or in case the server configuration uses the IANA-approved MIME 
+    # (image/ most browsers won't recognize.
+        AddType image/x-icon        .ico
+    # Enable mod_deflate.  This works MUCH more reliably than PHP's built-in
+    # gzip/Zlib compressors.  It is disabled here because many distros seem not
+    # to enable mod_deflate by default, but I strongly recommend that you
+    # enable this section.
+    #
+    #    BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
+    #    BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
+    #    BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
+    #
+    #    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
+    #    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
+    #    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript
+    # This is helpful for mod_deflate -- it prevents proxies from changing
+    # the user agent to/from this server, which can prevent compression from
+    # being enabled.  It is disabled here because many distros seem not to
+    # enable mod_headers by default, but I recommend that you enable it.
+    #
+    #    Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary
+    # Set up the perl handler so we can stream properly.  Do not use mod_perl
+    # because it has a tendency to hold onto child processes, which causes
+    # problems if the browser closes on an in-progress stream.
+    #
+        <Files *.pl>
+            SetHandler cgi-script
+            Options +ExecCGI
+        </Files>
+    </Directory>

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