Date: Monday, March 13, 2017 @ 16:54:12
  Author: andyrtr
Revision: 290792

upgpkg: linux 4.10.2-1

upstream update 4.10.2;  apply fix for CVE-2017-2636


 0001-tty-n_hdlc-get-rid-of-racy-n_hdlc_tbuf.patch |  311 ++++++++++++++++++++
 PKGBUILD                                          |   12 
 2 files changed, 319 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

Added: 0001-tty-n_hdlc-get-rid-of-racy-n_hdlc_tbuf.patch
--- 0001-tty-n_hdlc-get-rid-of-racy-n_hdlc_tbuf.patch                           
(rev 0)
+++ 0001-tty-n_hdlc-get-rid-of-racy-n_hdlc_tbuf.patch   2017-03-13 16:54:12 UTC 
(rev 290792)
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+>From 1dea7a8061ad9212f4464464a80d0dcd477eceab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Alexander Popov <alex.popov () linux com>
+Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2017 19:28:54 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH 1/1] tty: n_hdlc: get rid of racy n_hdlc.tbuf
+Currently N_HDLC line discipline uses a self-made singly linked list for
+data buffers and has n_hdlc.tbuf pointer for buffer retransmitting after
+an error.
+The commit be10eb7589337e5defbe214dae038a53dd21add8
+("tty: n_hdlc add buffer flushing") introduced racy access to n_hdlc.tbuf.
+After tx error concurrent flush_tx_queue() and n_hdlc_send_frames() can put
+one data buffer to tx_free_buf_list twice. That causes double free in
+Let's use standard kernel linked list and get rid of n_hdlc.tbuf:
+in case of tx error put current data buffer after the head of tx_buf_list.
+Signed-off-by: Alexander Popov <alex.popov () linux com>
+ drivers/tty/n_hdlc.c | 132 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/drivers/tty/n_hdlc.c b/drivers/tty/n_hdlc.c
+index eb27883..728c824 100644
+--- a/drivers/tty/n_hdlc.c
++++ b/drivers/tty/n_hdlc.c
+@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
+ struct n_hdlc_buf {
+-      struct n_hdlc_buf *link;
++      struct list_head  list_item;
+       int               count;
+       char              buf[1];
+ };
+@@ -122,8 +122,7 @@ struct n_hdlc_buf {
+ #define       N_HDLC_BUF_SIZE (sizeof(struct n_hdlc_buf) + maxframe)
+ struct n_hdlc_buf_list {
+-      struct n_hdlc_buf *head;
+-      struct n_hdlc_buf *tail;
++      struct list_head  list;
+       int               count;
+       spinlock_t        spinlock;
+ };
+@@ -136,7 +135,6 @@ struct n_hdlc_buf_list {
+  * @backup_tty - TTY to use if tty gets closed
+  * @tbusy - reentrancy flag for tx wakeup code
+  * @woke_up - FIXME: describe this field
+- * @tbuf - currently transmitting tx buffer
+  * @tx_buf_list - list of pending transmit frame buffers
+  * @rx_buf_list - list of received frame buffers
+  * @tx_free_buf_list - list unused transmit frame buffers
+@@ -149,7 +147,6 @@ struct n_hdlc {
+       struct tty_struct       *backup_tty;
+       int                     tbusy;
+       int                     woke_up;
+-      struct n_hdlc_buf       *tbuf;
+       struct n_hdlc_buf_list  tx_buf_list;
+       struct n_hdlc_buf_list  rx_buf_list;
+       struct n_hdlc_buf_list  tx_free_buf_list;
+@@ -159,6 +156,8 @@ struct n_hdlc {
+ /*
+  * HDLC buffer list manipulation functions
+  */
++static void n_hdlc_buf_return(struct n_hdlc_buf_list *buf_list,
++                                              struct n_hdlc_buf *buf);
+ static void n_hdlc_buf_put(struct n_hdlc_buf_list *list,
+                          struct n_hdlc_buf *buf);
+ static struct n_hdlc_buf *n_hdlc_buf_get(struct n_hdlc_buf_list *list);
+@@ -208,16 +207,9 @@ static void flush_tx_queue(struct tty_struct *tty)
+ {
+       struct n_hdlc *n_hdlc = tty2n_hdlc(tty);
+       struct n_hdlc_buf *buf;
+-      unsigned long flags;
+       while ((buf = n_hdlc_buf_get(&n_hdlc->tx_buf_list)))
+               n_hdlc_buf_put(&n_hdlc->tx_free_buf_list, buf);
+-      spin_lock_irqsave(&n_hdlc->tx_buf_list.spinlock, flags);
+-      if (n_hdlc->tbuf) {
+-              n_hdlc_buf_put(&n_hdlc->tx_free_buf_list, n_hdlc->tbuf);
+-              n_hdlc->tbuf = NULL;
+-      }
+-      spin_unlock_irqrestore(&n_hdlc->tx_buf_list.spinlock, flags);
+ }
+ static struct tty_ldisc_ops n_hdlc_ldisc = {
+@@ -283,7 +275,6 @@ static void n_hdlc_release(struct n_hdlc *n_hdlc)
+               } else
+                       break;
+       }
+-      kfree(n_hdlc->tbuf);
+       kfree(n_hdlc);
+ }     /* end of n_hdlc_release() */
+@@ -402,13 +393,7 @@ static void n_hdlc_send_frames(struct n_hdlc *n_hdlc, 
struct tty_struct *tty)
+       n_hdlc->woke_up = 0;
+       spin_unlock_irqrestore(&n_hdlc->tx_buf_list.spinlock, flags);
+-      /* get current transmit buffer or get new transmit */
+-      /* buffer from list of pending transmit buffers */
+-      tbuf = n_hdlc->tbuf;
+-      if (!tbuf)
+-              tbuf = n_hdlc_buf_get(&n_hdlc->tx_buf_list);
++      tbuf = n_hdlc_buf_get(&n_hdlc->tx_buf_list);
+       while (tbuf) {
+               if (debuglevel >= DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO)     
+                       printk("%s(%d)sending frame %p, count=%d\n",
+@@ -420,7 +405,7 @@ static void n_hdlc_send_frames(struct n_hdlc *n_hdlc, 
struct tty_struct *tty)
+               /* rollback was possible and has been done */
+               if (actual == -ERESTARTSYS) {
+-                      n_hdlc->tbuf = tbuf;
++                      n_hdlc_buf_return(&n_hdlc->tx_buf_list, tbuf);
+                       break;
+               }
+               /* if transmit error, throw frame away by */
+@@ -435,10 +420,7 @@ static void n_hdlc_send_frames(struct n_hdlc *n_hdlc, 
struct tty_struct *tty)
+                       /* free current transmit buffer */
+                       n_hdlc_buf_put(&n_hdlc->tx_free_buf_list, tbuf);
+-                      /* this tx buffer is done */
+-                      n_hdlc->tbuf = NULL;
+                       /* wait up sleeping writers */
+                       wake_up_interruptible(&tty->write_wait);
+@@ -448,10 +430,12 @@ static void n_hdlc_send_frames(struct n_hdlc *n_hdlc, 
struct tty_struct *tty)
+                       if (debuglevel >= DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO)     
+                               printk("%s(%d)frame %p pending\n",
+                                       __FILE__,__LINE__,tbuf);
+-                      /* buffer not accepted by driver */
+-                      /* set this buffer as pending buffer */
+-                      n_hdlc->tbuf = tbuf;
++                      /*
++                       * the buffer was not accepted by driver,
++                       * return it back into tx queue
++                       */
++                      n_hdlc_buf_return(&n_hdlc->tx_buf_list, tbuf);
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+@@ -749,7 +733,8 @@ static int n_hdlc_tty_ioctl(struct tty_struct *tty, struct 
file *file,
+       int error = 0;
+       int count;
+       unsigned long flags;
++      struct n_hdlc_buf *buf = NULL;
+       if (debuglevel >= DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO)     
+               printk("%s(%d)n_hdlc_tty_ioctl() called %d\n",
+                       __FILE__,__LINE__,cmd);
+@@ -763,8 +748,10 @@ static int n_hdlc_tty_ioctl(struct tty_struct *tty, 
struct file *file,
+               /* report count of read data available */
+               /* in next available frame (if any) */
+               spin_lock_irqsave(&n_hdlc->rx_buf_list.spinlock,flags);
+-              if (n_hdlc->rx_buf_list.head)
+-                      count = n_hdlc->rx_buf_list.head->count;
++              buf = list_first_entry_or_null(&n_hdlc->rx_buf_list.list,
++                                              struct n_hdlc_buf, list_item);
++              if (buf)
++                      count = buf->count;
+               else
+                       count = 0;
+               spin_unlock_irqrestore(&n_hdlc->rx_buf_list.spinlock,flags);
+@@ -776,8 +763,10 @@ static int n_hdlc_tty_ioctl(struct tty_struct *tty, 
struct file *file,
+               count = tty_chars_in_buffer(tty);
+               /* add size of next output frame in queue */
+               spin_lock_irqsave(&n_hdlc->tx_buf_list.spinlock,flags);
+-              if (n_hdlc->tx_buf_list.head)
+-                      count += n_hdlc->tx_buf_list.head->count;
++              buf = list_first_entry_or_null(&n_hdlc->tx_buf_list.list,
++                                              struct n_hdlc_buf, list_item);
++              if (buf)
++                      count += buf->count;
+               spin_unlock_irqrestore(&n_hdlc->tx_buf_list.spinlock,flags);
+               error = put_user(count, (int __user *)arg);
+               break;
+@@ -825,14 +814,14 @@ static unsigned int n_hdlc_tty_poll(struct tty_struct 
*tty, struct file *filp,
+               poll_wait(filp, &tty->write_wait, wait);
+               /* set bits for operations that won't block */
+-              if (n_hdlc->rx_buf_list.head)
++              if (!list_empty(&n_hdlc->rx_buf_list.list))
+                       mask |= POLLIN | POLLRDNORM;    /* readable */
+               if (test_bit(TTY_OTHER_CLOSED, &tty->flags))
+                       mask |= POLLHUP;
+               if (tty_hung_up_p(filp))
+                       mask |= POLLHUP;
+               if (!tty_is_writelocked(tty) &&
+-                              n_hdlc->tx_free_buf_list.head)
++                              !list_empty(&n_hdlc->tx_free_buf_list.list))
+                       mask |= POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM;   /* writable */
+       }
+       return mask;
+@@ -856,7 +845,12 @@ static struct n_hdlc *n_hdlc_alloc(void)
+       spin_lock_init(&n_hdlc->tx_free_buf_list.spinlock);
+       spin_lock_init(&n_hdlc->rx_buf_list.spinlock);
+       spin_lock_init(&n_hdlc->tx_buf_list.spinlock);
++      INIT_LIST_HEAD(&n_hdlc->rx_free_buf_list.list);
++      INIT_LIST_HEAD(&n_hdlc->tx_free_buf_list.list);
++      INIT_LIST_HEAD(&n_hdlc->rx_buf_list.list);
++      INIT_LIST_HEAD(&n_hdlc->tx_buf_list.list);
+       /* allocate free rx buffer list */
+       for(i=0;i<DEFAULT_RX_BUF_COUNT;i++) {
+               buf = kmalloc(N_HDLC_BUF_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
+@@ -884,53 +878,65 @@ static struct n_hdlc *n_hdlc_alloc(void)
+ }     /* end of n_hdlc_alloc() */
+ /**
++ * n_hdlc_buf_return - put the HDLC buffer after the head of the specified 
++ * @buf_list - pointer to the buffer list
++ * @buf - pointer to the buffer
++ */
++static void n_hdlc_buf_return(struct n_hdlc_buf_list *buf_list,
++                                              struct n_hdlc_buf *buf)
++      unsigned long flags;
++      spin_lock_irqsave(&buf_list->spinlock, flags);
++      list_add(&buf->list_item, &buf_list->list);
++      buf_list->count++;
++      spin_unlock_irqrestore(&buf_list->spinlock, flags);
+  * n_hdlc_buf_put - add specified HDLC buffer to tail of specified list
+- * @list - pointer to buffer list
++ * @buf_list - pointer to buffer list
+  * @buf       - pointer to buffer
+  */
+-static void n_hdlc_buf_put(struct n_hdlc_buf_list *list,
++static void n_hdlc_buf_put(struct n_hdlc_buf_list *buf_list,
+                          struct n_hdlc_buf *buf)
+ {
+       unsigned long flags;
+-      spin_lock_irqsave(&list->spinlock,flags);
+-      buf->link=NULL;
+-      if (list->tail)
+-              list->tail->link = buf;
+-      else
+-              list->head = buf;
+-      list->tail = buf;
+-      (list->count)++;
+-      spin_unlock_irqrestore(&list->spinlock,flags);
++      spin_lock_irqsave(&buf_list->spinlock, flags);
++      list_add_tail(&buf->list_item, &buf_list->list);
++      buf_list->count++;
++      spin_unlock_irqrestore(&buf_list->spinlock, flags);
+ }     /* end of n_hdlc_buf_put() */
+ /**
+  * n_hdlc_buf_get - remove and return an HDLC buffer from list
+- * @list - pointer to HDLC buffer list
++ * @buf_list - pointer to HDLC buffer list
+  * 
+  * Remove and return an HDLC buffer from the head of the specified HDLC buffer
+  * list.
+  * Returns a pointer to HDLC buffer if available, otherwise %NULL.
+  */
+-static struct n_hdlc_buf* n_hdlc_buf_get(struct n_hdlc_buf_list *list)
++static struct n_hdlc_buf *n_hdlc_buf_get(struct n_hdlc_buf_list *buf_list)
+ {
+       unsigned long flags;
+       struct n_hdlc_buf *buf;
+-      spin_lock_irqsave(&list->spinlock,flags);
+-      buf = list->head;
++      spin_lock_irqsave(&buf_list->spinlock, flags);
++      buf = list_first_entry_or_null(&buf_list->list,
++                                              struct n_hdlc_buf, list_item);
+       if (buf) {
+-              list->head = buf->link;
+-              (list->count)--;
++              list_del(&buf->list_item);
++              buf_list->count--;
+       }
+-      if (!list->head)
+-              list->tail = NULL;
+-      spin_unlock_irqrestore(&list->spinlock,flags);
++      spin_unlock_irqrestore(&buf_list->spinlock, flags);
+       return buf;
+ }     /* end of n_hdlc_buf_get() */
+ static char hdlc_banner[] __initdata =

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD    2017-03-13 15:45:50 UTC (rev 290791)
+++ PKGBUILD    2017-03-13 16:54:12 UTC (rev 290792)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 pkgbase=linux               # Build stock -ARCH kernel
 #pkgbase=linux-custom       # Build kernel with a different name
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
@@ -22,16 +22,17 @@
         # standard config files for mkinitcpio ramdisk
-        )
+        0001-tty-n_hdlc-get-rid-of-racy-n_hdlc_tbuf.patch)
-            'da560125aa350f76f0e4a5b9373a0d0a1c27ccefe3b7bd9231724f3a3c4ebb9e'
+            '3e2c2ba9dd2c421ea4f7e10150cc5f5fa5fdbaffef5377988fabb7d6f7d65bab'
-            'ad6344badc91ad0630caacde83f7f9b97276f80d26a20619a87952be65492c65')
+            'ad6344badc91ad0630caacde83f7f9b97276f80d26a20619a87952be65492c65'
+            'd0b412416963cefbb9baa06ef055e2b9485e2b9f948da14dfe50ee863577405c')
               'ABAF11C65A2970B130ABE3C479BE3E4300411886' # Linus Torvalds
               '647F28654894E3BD457199BE38DBBDC86092693E' # Greg Kroah-Hartman
@@ -48,6 +49,9 @@
   # add latest fixes from stable queue, if needed
+  # patch for CVE-2017-2636)
+  patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}/0001-tty-n_hdlc-get-rid-of-racy-n_hdlc_tbuf.patch"
   cat "${srcdir}/config.${CARCH}" > ./.config
   if [ "${_kernelname}" != "" ]; then

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