Date: Sunday, May 22, 2022 @ 11:55:57
  Author: dvzrv
Revision: 1210048

archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64

    (from rev 1210047, sonic-pi/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 1210047, sonic-pi/trunk/sonic-pi-3.2.0-gui_paths.patch)
    (from rev 1210047, sonic-pi/trunk/sonic-pi-3.3.1-devendor_boost.patch)
    (from rev 1210047, 
    (from rev 1210047, sonic-pi/trunk/sonic-pi-3.3.1-ruby_paths.patch)

 PKGBUILD                                     |  422 +++++++++++--------------
 sonic-pi-3.2.0-gui_paths.patch               |  152 ++++-----
 sonic-pi-3.3.1-devendor_boost.patch          |   22 -
 sonic-pi-3.3.1-devendor_qscintilla-qt5.patch |   46 +-
 sonic-pi-3.3.1-ruby_paths.patch              |  240 +++++++-------
 5 files changed, 425 insertions(+), 457 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD    2022-05-22 11:55:37 UTC (rev 1210047)
+++ PKGBUILD    2022-05-22 11:55:57 UTC (rev 1210048)
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: David Runge <>
-pkgdesc="The Live Coding Music Synth for Everyone"
-license=('CCPL' 'LGPL2.1' 'GPL2' 'GPL3' 'MIT')
-depends=('aubio' 'gcc-libs' 'glibc' 'osmid' 'qt5-base' 'qscintilla-qt5' 'ruby'
-'ruby-activesupport' 'ruby-ffi' 'ruby-gettext' 'ruby-i18n' 'ruby-kramdown'
-'ruby-locale' 'ruby-minitest' 'ruby-mocha' 'ruby-multi_json' 'ruby-polyglot'
-'ruby-rouge' 'ruby-rugged' 'ruby-sys-proctable' 'ruby-text' 'ruby-treetop'
-'sc3-plugins' 'supercollider')
-makedepends=('boost' 'cmake' 'erlang-nox' 'gendesk' 'lua' 'qt5-tools'
-'ruby-bundler' 'wkhtmltopdf')
-optdepends=('sox: for further effects')
-        "${pkgname}-3.2.0-gui_paths.patch"
-        "${pkgname}-3.3.1-devendor_qscintilla-qt5.patch"
-        "${pkgname}-3.3.1-devendor_boost.patch"
-        "${pkgname}-3.3.1-ruby_paths.patch")
-prepare() {
-  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
-  gendesk -n \
-          --pkgname ${pkgname} \
-          --pkgdesc "${pkgdesc}" \
-          --name "Sonic Pi" \
-          --categories "AudioVideo;Audio"
-  rm -rvf app/server/native
-  # patch app/gui/qt/{model/sonicpitheme,mainwindow}.cpp to set path to
-  # external components in /usr/{lib,share}/sonic-pi
-  printf "Apply patch to set FHS compliant GUI paths\n"
-  patch -Np1 -i "../${pkgname}-3.2.0-gui_paths.patch"
-  # devendor qscintilla-qt5:
-  printf "Apply patch to devendor qscintilla-qt5\n"
-  patch -Np1 -i "../${pkgname}-3.3.1-devendor_qscintilla-qt5.patch"
-  printf "Apply patch to devendor boost\n"
-  patch -Np1 -i "../${pkgname}-3.3.1-devendor_boost.patch"
-  # TODO: devendor ast-2.0.0
-  # TODO: devendor atomic (bin)
-  # TODO: devendor benchmark-ips-2.3.0
-  # TODO: devendor blankslate
-  # TODO: devendor interception (bin)
-  # TODO: devendor memoist-0.16.2
-  # TODO: devendor metaclass-0.0.4
-  # TODO: devendor rubame
-  # TODO: devendor ruby-beautify
-  # TODO: devendor ruby-prof-0.15.8
-  # TODO: devendor thread_safe
-  # TODO: devendor tomlrb-2.0.0
-  # TODO: devendor wavefile-0.8.1
-  # TODO: devendor websocket-ruby-1.2.8
-  # devendor gems requiring compilation:
-  # ffi, ruby-prof, rugged
-  sed -e '/rugged/d' \
-      -e '/ffi/d' \
-      -e '/ruby-prof/d' \
-      -i app/server/ruby/bin/compile-extensions.rb
-  # remove unrequired gems, so we don't create any doc for them
-  rm -rvf 
-  rm -rvf 
-build() {
-  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
-  (
-    # OSC and pi_server
-    cd app/server/erlang/sonic_pi_server/src
-    erlc {osc/osc,pi_server/pi_server,sp_midi/sp_midi}.erl
-  )
-  (
-    # ruby extensions
-    cd app/server/ruby/bin
-    ./compile-extensions.rb
-    ./i18n-tool.rb -t
-  )
-  (
-    # GUI
-    cd app/gui/qt/
-    # help template
-    cp -vf utils/ruby_help.{tmpl,h}
-    ../../server/ruby/bin/qt-doc.rb -o utils/ruby_help.h
-    # generating translations
-    lrelease lang/*.ts
-    # compiling GUI
-  )
-  (
-    cd app
-    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \
-          -B build \
-          -Wno-dev \
-          -S .
-    make VERBOSE=1 -C build
-  )
-  (
-    # patch app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/util.rb to set proper paths to 
external components
-    # NOTE: this can only be done after running
-    # app/server/ruby/bin/compile-extensions.rb, as ruby-wavefile uses a
-    # hardcoded location of a file (move to prepare() after devendoring more 
ruby gems)
-    patch -Np1 -i "../${pkgname}-3.3.1-ruby_paths.patch"
-  )
-## tests fail:
-#check() {
-#  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
-#  cd app/server/ruby/test
-#  rake test
-package() {
-  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
-  # GUI executable
-  install -vDm 755 "app/build/gui/qt/${pkgname}" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/"
-  # book
-  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/book/*.html \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/book"
-  # i18n
-  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/lang/*.qm \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/lang"
-  # help
-  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/help/*.html \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/help"
-  # html
-  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/html/*.html \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/html"
-  # images
-  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/images/*.png \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/images"
-  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/images/coreteam/*.png \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/images/coreteam"
-  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/images/toolbar/default/*.png \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/images/toolbar/default"
-  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/images/toolbar/pro/*.png \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/images/toolbar/pro"
-  install -vDm 644 etc/doc/images/tutorial/*.png \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/images/tutorial"
-  # theme
-  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/theme/app.qss \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/theme/"
-  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/theme/dark/doc-styles.css \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/theme/dark"
-  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/theme/light/doc-styles.css \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/theme/light"
-  # samples
-  install -vDm 644 etc/samples/*.{flac,md} \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/samples"
-  # snippets
-  install -vDm 644 etc/snippets/fx/*.sps \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/snippets/fx"
-  install -vDm 644 etc/snippets/live_loop/*.sps \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/snippets/live_loop"
-  install -vDm 644 etc/snippets/syntax/*.sps \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/snippets/syntax"
-  # synthdefs
-  install -vDm 644 etc/synthdefs/compiled/*.scsyndef \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/synthdefs/compiled"
-  install -vDm 644 etc/synthdefs/designs/overtone/${pkgname}/*.clj\
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/synthdefs/designs/overtone/"
-  install -vDm 644 
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/synthdefs/designs/overtone/sonic_pi/src"
-  install -vDm 644 
-    -t 
-  # buffers
-  install -vDm 644 etc/buffers/*.wav \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/buffers"
-  # docs
-  install -vDm 644 etc/doc/cheatsheets/*.md \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/cheatsheets"
-  # pdfs
-  install -vDm 644 etc/synthdefs/graphviz/pdf/*.pdf \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/synthdefs"
-  # tutorial
-  install -vDm 644 etc/doc/tutorial/*.md \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/tutorial"
-  # examples
-  install -vDm 644 etc/examples/algomancer/*.rb \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/examples/algomancer"
-  install -vDm 644 etc/examples/apprentice/*.rb \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/examples/apprentice"
-  install -vDm 644 etc/examples/illusionist/*.rb \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/examples/illusionist"
-  install -vDm 644 etc/examples/incubation/*.rb \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/examples/incubation"
-  install -vDm 644 etc/examples/magician/*.rb \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/examples/magician"
-  install -vDm 644 etc/examples/sorcerer/*.rb \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/examples/sorcerer"
-  install -vDm 644 etc/examples/wizard/*.rb \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/examples/wizard"
-  # erlang
-  install -vDm 755 app/server/erlang/sonic_pi_server/src/*.beam \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgname}"
-  # ruby
-  install -vdm 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}"
-  cp -av app/server/ruby "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgname}/server"
-  rm -fv "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgname}/server/vendor/"*/ext/*.{o,c}
-  rm -fv "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgname}/server/vendor/"*/ext/*/*.{o,c}
-  rm -fv "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgname}/server/Rakefile"
-  rm -fv "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgname}/server/vendor/"*/Rakefile
-  # xdg
-  install -vDm 644 "${pkgname}.desktop" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/"
-  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/images/icon-smaller.png 
-  # license
-  install -vDm 644 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"

Copied: sonic-pi/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 1210047, 
--- PKGBUILD                            (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD    2022-05-22 11:55:57 UTC (rev 1210048)
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# Maintainer: David Runge <>
+pkgdesc="The Live Coding Music Synth for Everyone"
+license=(CCPL LGPL2.1 GPL2 GPL3 MIT)
+depends=(aubio gcc-libs glibc jack-example-tools osmid qt5-base qscintilla-qt5
+ruby ruby-activesupport ruby-ffi ruby-gettext ruby-i18n ruby-kramdown
+ruby-locale ruby-minitest ruby-mocha ruby-multi_json ruby-polyglot ruby-rouge
+ruby-rugged ruby-sys-proctable ruby-text ruby-treetop sc3-plugins
+makedepends=(boost cmake erlang-nox gendesk lua qt5-tools ruby-bundler
+optdepends=('sox: for further effects')
+  $pkgname-3.2.0-gui_paths.patch
+  $pkgname-3.3.1-devendor_qscintilla-qt5.patch
+  $pkgname-3.3.1-devendor_boost.patch
+  $pkgname-3.3.1-ruby_paths.patch
+prepare() {
+  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
+  gendesk -n \
+          --pkgname $pkgname \
+          --pkgdesc "$pkgdesc" \
+          --name "Sonic Pi" \
+          --categories "AudioVideo;Audio"
+  rm -rvf app/server/native
+  # patch app/gui/qt/{model/sonicpitheme,mainwindow}.cpp to set path to
+  # external components in /usr/{lib,share}/sonic-pi
+  printf "Apply patch to set FHS compliant GUI paths\n"
+  patch -Np1 -i "../${pkgname}-3.2.0-gui_paths.patch"
+  # devendor qscintilla-qt5:
+  printf "Apply patch to devendor qscintilla-qt5\n"
+  patch -Np1 -i "../${pkgname}-3.3.1-devendor_qscintilla-qt5.patch"
+  printf "Apply patch to devendor boost\n"
+  patch -Np1 -i "../${pkgname}-3.3.1-devendor_boost.patch"
+  # TODO: devendor ast-2.0.0
+  # TODO: devendor atomic (bin)
+  # TODO: devendor benchmark-ips-2.3.0
+  # TODO: devendor blankslate
+  # TODO: devendor interception (bin)
+  # TODO: devendor memoist-0.16.2
+  # TODO: devendor metaclass-0.0.4
+  # TODO: devendor rubame
+  # TODO: devendor ruby-beautify
+  # TODO: devendor ruby-prof-0.15.8
+  # TODO: devendor thread_safe
+  # TODO: devendor tomlrb-2.0.0
+  # TODO: devendor wavefile-0.8.1
+  # TODO: devendor websocket-ruby-1.2.8
+  # devendor gems requiring compilation:
+  # ffi, ruby-prof, rugged
+  sed -e '/rugged/d' \
+      -e '/ffi/d' \
+      -e '/ruby-prof/d' \
+      -i app/server/ruby/bin/compile-extensions.rb
+  # remove unrequired gems, so we don't create any doc for them
+  rm -rvf 
+  rm -rvf 
+build() {
+  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
+  (
+    # OSC and pi_server
+    cd app/server/erlang/sonic_pi_server/src
+    erlc {osc/osc,pi_server/pi_server,sp_midi/sp_midi}.erl
+  )
+  (
+    # ruby extensions
+    cd app/server/ruby/bin
+    ./compile-extensions.rb
+    ./i18n-tool.rb -t
+  )
+  (
+    # GUI
+    cd app/gui/qt/
+    # help template
+    cp -vf utils/ruby_help.{tmpl,h}
+    ../../server/ruby/bin/qt-doc.rb -o utils/ruby_help.h
+    # generating translations
+    lrelease lang/*.ts
+    # compiling GUI
+  )
+  (
+    cd app
+    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \
+          -B build \
+          -Wno-dev \
+          -S .
+    make VERBOSE=1 -C build
+  )
+  (
+    # patch app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/util.rb to set proper paths to 
external components
+    # NOTE: this can only be done after running
+    # app/server/ruby/bin/compile-extensions.rb, as ruby-wavefile uses a
+    # hardcoded location of a file (move to prepare() after devendoring more 
ruby gems)
+    patch -Np1 -i ../$pkgname-3.3.1-ruby_paths.patch
+  )
+## tests fail:
+#check() {
+#  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
+#  cd app/server/ruby/test
+#  rake test
+package() {
+  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
+  # GUI executable
+  install -vDm 755 "app/build/gui/qt/$pkgname" -t "$pkgdir/usr/bin/"
+  # book
+  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/book/*.html -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/book/"
+  # i18n
+  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/lang/*.qm -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/lang/"
+  # help
+  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/help/*.html -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/help/"
+  # html
+  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/html/*.html -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/html/"
+  # images
+  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/images/*.png -t 
+  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/images/coreteam/*.png -t 
+  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/images/toolbar/default/*.png -t 
+  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/images/toolbar/pro/*.png -t 
+  install -vDm 644 etc/doc/images/tutorial/*.png -t 
+  # theme
+  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/theme/app.qss -t 
+  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/theme/dark/doc-styles.css -t 
+  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/theme/light/doc-styles.css -t 
+  # samples
+  install -vDm 644 etc/samples/*.{flac,md} -t 
+  # snippets
+  install -vDm 644 etc/snippets/fx/*.sps -t 
+  install -vDm 644 etc/snippets/live_loop/*.sps -t 
+  install -vDm 644 etc/snippets/syntax/*.sps -t 
+  # synthdefs
+  install -vDm 644 etc/synthdefs/compiled/*.scsyndef -t 
+  install -vDm 644 etc/synthdefs/designs/overtone/$pkgname/*.clj -t 
+  install -vDm 644 etc/synthdefs/designs/overtone/$pkgname/src/sonic_pi/*.clj 
-t "$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/synthdefs/designs/overtone/sonic_pi/src/"
+  install -vDm 644 etc/synthdefs/designs/overtone/$pkgname/test/sonic_pi/*.clj 
-t "$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/synthdefs/designs/overtone/sonic_pi/test/"
+  # buffers
+  install -vDm 644 etc/buffers/*.wav -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/buffers/"
+  # docs
+  install -vDm 644 etc/doc/cheatsheets/*.md -t 
+  # pdfs
+  install -vDm 644 etc/synthdefs/graphviz/pdf/*.pdf -t 
+  # tutorial
+  install -vDm 644 etc/doc/tutorial/*.md -t 
+  # examples
+  install -vDm 644 etc/examples/algomancer/*.rb -t 
+  install -vDm 644 etc/examples/apprentice/*.rb -t 
+  install -vDm 644 etc/examples/illusionist/*.rb -t 
+  install -vDm 644 etc/examples/incubation/*.rb -t 
+  install -vDm 644 etc/examples/magician/*.rb -t 
+  install -vDm 644 etc/examples/sorcerer/*.rb -t 
+  install -vDm 644 etc/examples/wizard/*.rb -t 
+  # erlang
+  install -vDm 755 app/server/erlang/sonic_pi_server/src/*.beam -t 
+  # ruby
+  install -vdm 755 "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname"
+  cp -av app/server/ruby "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/server"
+  find "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/server" -type f \( -iname "*.o" -or -iname 
"*.c" -or -iname "*Rakefile" \) -delete
+  # xdg
+  install -vDm 644 $pkgname.desktop -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/"
+  install -vDm 644 app/gui/qt/images/icon-smaller.png 
+  # license
+  install -vDm 644 -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/"

Deleted: sonic-pi-3.2.0-gui_paths.patch
--- sonic-pi-3.2.0-gui_paths.patch      2022-05-22 11:55:37 UTC (rev 1210047)
+++ sonic-pi-3.2.0-gui_paths.patch      2022-05-22 11:55:57 UTC (rev 1210048)
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-diff -ruN a/app/gui/qt/mainwindow.cpp b/app/gui/qt/mainwindow.cpp
---- a/app/gui/qt/mainwindow.cpp        2020-02-25 01:23:45.000000000 +0100
-+++ b/app/gui/qt/mainwindow.cpp        2020-03-08 13:53:17.604508214 +0100
-@@ -353,10 +353,10 @@
-         ruby_path = "ruby";
-     }
--    ruby_server_path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
--    port_discovery_path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
--    fetch_url_path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
--    sample_path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + "/etc/samples");
-+    ruby_server_path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
-+    port_discovery_path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
-+    fetch_url_path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
-+    sample_path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
-     sp_user_path           = QDir::toNativeSeparators(sonicPiHomePath() + 
-     sp_user_tmp_path       = QDir::toNativeSeparators(sp_user_path + 
-@@ -367,14 +367,14 @@
-     process_log_path       = QDir::toNativeSeparators(log_path + 
-     scsynth_log_path       = QDir::toNativeSeparators(log_path + 
QDir::separator() + "scsynth.log");
--    init_script_path       = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
--    exit_script_path       = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
-+    init_script_path       = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
-+    exit_script_path       = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
--    qt_app_theme_path      = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
-+    qt_app_theme_path      = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
--    qt_browser_dark_css    = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
--    qt_browser_light_css   = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
--    qt_browser_hc_css      = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
-+    qt_browser_dark_css    = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
-+    qt_browser_light_css   = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
-+    qt_browser_hc_css      = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
-     // attempt to create log directory
-     QDir logDir(log_path);
-@@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@
-     return QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/../../../../..";
- #else
-     // On linux, CMake builds app into the build folder
--    return QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/../../../..";
-+    return QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/../..";
- #endif
- }
-@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@
-     // Register server pid for potential zombie clearing
-     QStringList regServerArgs;
--    regServerArgs << QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath() + 
-+    regServerArgs << QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath() + 
- #endif
-     QProcess *regServerProcess = new QProcess();
-     regServerProcess->start(ruby_path, regServerArgs);
-diff -ruN a/app/gui/qt/model/sonicpitheme.cpp 
---- a/app/gui/qt/model/sonicpitheme.cpp        2020-02-25 01:23:45.000000000 
-+++ b/app/gui/qt/model/sonicpitheme.cpp        2020-03-08 19:59:00.840045897 
-@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
-     this->customSettingsFilename = customSettingsFilename;
-     this->rootPath = rootPath;
--    qt_app_theme_path      = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath + 
-+    qt_app_theme_path      = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath + 
--    qt_browser_dark_css    = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath + 
--    qt_browser_light_css   = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath + 
--    qt_browser_hc_css      = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath + 
-+    qt_browser_dark_css    = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath + 
-+    qt_browser_light_css   = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath + 
-+    qt_browser_hc_css      = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath + 
-     loadToolBarIcons();

Copied: sonic-pi/repos/community-x86_64/sonic-pi-3.2.0-gui_paths.patch (from 
rev 1210047, sonic-pi/trunk/sonic-pi-3.2.0-gui_paths.patch)
--- sonic-pi-3.2.0-gui_paths.patch                              (rev 0)
+++ sonic-pi-3.2.0-gui_paths.patch      2022-05-22 11:55:57 UTC (rev 1210048)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+diff -ruN a/app/gui/qt/mainwindow.cpp b/app/gui/qt/mainwindow.cpp
+--- a/app/gui/qt/mainwindow.cpp        2020-02-25 01:23:45.000000000 +0100
++++ b/app/gui/qt/mainwindow.cpp        2020-03-08 13:53:17.604508214 +0100
+@@ -353,10 +353,10 @@
+         ruby_path = "ruby";
+     }
+-    ruby_server_path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
+-    port_discovery_path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
+-    fetch_url_path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
+-    sample_path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + "/etc/samples");
++    ruby_server_path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
++    port_discovery_path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
++    fetch_url_path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
++    sample_path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
+     sp_user_path           = QDir::toNativeSeparators(sonicPiHomePath() + 
+     sp_user_tmp_path       = QDir::toNativeSeparators(sp_user_path + 
+@@ -367,14 +367,14 @@
+     process_log_path       = QDir::toNativeSeparators(log_path + 
+     scsynth_log_path       = QDir::toNativeSeparators(log_path + 
QDir::separator() + "scsynth.log");
+-    init_script_path       = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
+-    exit_script_path       = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
++    init_script_path       = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
++    exit_script_path       = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
+-    qt_app_theme_path      = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
++    qt_app_theme_path      = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
+-    qt_browser_dark_css    = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
+-    qt_browser_light_css   = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
+-    qt_browser_hc_css      = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
++    qt_browser_dark_css    = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
++    qt_browser_light_css   = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
++    qt_browser_hc_css      = QDir::toNativeSeparators(root_path + 
+     // attempt to create log directory
+     QDir logDir(log_path);
+@@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@
+     return QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/../../../../..";
+ #else
+     // On linux, CMake builds app into the build folder
+-    return QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/../../../..";
++    return QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/../..";
+ #endif
+ }
+@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@
+     // Register server pid for potential zombie clearing
+     QStringList regServerArgs;
+-    regServerArgs << QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath() + 
++    regServerArgs << QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath() + 
+ #endif
+     QProcess *regServerProcess = new QProcess();
+     regServerProcess->start(ruby_path, regServerArgs);
+diff -ruN a/app/gui/qt/model/sonicpitheme.cpp 
+--- a/app/gui/qt/model/sonicpitheme.cpp        2020-02-25 01:23:45.000000000 
++++ b/app/gui/qt/model/sonicpitheme.cpp        2020-03-08 19:59:00.840045897 
+@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
+     this->customSettingsFilename = customSettingsFilename;
+     this->rootPath = rootPath;
+-    qt_app_theme_path      = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath + 
++    qt_app_theme_path      = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath + 
+-    qt_browser_dark_css    = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath + 
+-    qt_browser_light_css   = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath + 
+-    qt_browser_hc_css      = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath + 
++    qt_browser_dark_css    = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath + 
++    qt_browser_light_css   = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath + 
++    qt_browser_hc_css      = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rootPath + 
+     loadToolBarIcons();

Deleted: sonic-pi-3.3.1-devendor_boost.patch
--- sonic-pi-3.3.1-devendor_boost.patch 2022-05-22 11:55:37 UTC (rev 1210047)
+++ sonic-pi-3.3.1-devendor_boost.patch 2022-05-22 11:55:57 UTC (rev 1210048)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-diff -ruN a/app/gui/qt/CMakeLists.txt b/app/gui/qt/CMakeLists.txt
---- a/app/gui/qt/CMakeLists.txt        2021-02-01 12:10:30.000000000 +0100
-+++ b/app/gui/qt/CMakeLists.txt        2021-09-20 00:34:44.730830353 +0200
-@@ -195,7 +195,6 @@
- target_include_directories(${APP_NAME}
-     ${QTAPP_ROOT}
--    ${APP_ROOT}/external/scsynth-boost-1.74.0
-     ${APP_ROOT}/external/TLSF-2.4.6/src
-     ${APP_ROOT}/external
-     ${QTAPP_ROOT}/osc

Copied: sonic-pi/repos/community-x86_64/sonic-pi-3.3.1-devendor_boost.patch 
(from rev 1210047, sonic-pi/trunk/sonic-pi-3.3.1-devendor_boost.patch)
--- sonic-pi-3.3.1-devendor_boost.patch                         (rev 0)
+++ sonic-pi-3.3.1-devendor_boost.patch 2022-05-22 11:55:57 UTC (rev 1210048)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+diff -ruN a/app/gui/qt/CMakeLists.txt b/app/gui/qt/CMakeLists.txt
+--- a/app/gui/qt/CMakeLists.txt        2021-02-01 12:10:30.000000000 +0100
++++ b/app/gui/qt/CMakeLists.txt        2021-09-20 00:34:44.730830353 +0200
+@@ -195,7 +195,6 @@
+ target_include_directories(${APP_NAME}
+     ${QTAPP_ROOT}
+-    ${APP_ROOT}/external/scsynth-boost-1.74.0
+     ${APP_ROOT}/external/TLSF-2.4.6/src
+     ${APP_ROOT}/external
+     ${QTAPP_ROOT}/osc

Deleted: sonic-pi-3.3.1-devendor_qscintilla-qt5.patch
--- sonic-pi-3.3.1-devendor_qscintilla-qt5.patch        2022-05-22 11:55:37 UTC 
(rev 1210047)
+++ sonic-pi-3.3.1-devendor_qscintilla-qt5.patch        2022-05-22 11:55:57 UTC 
(rev 1210048)
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-diff -ruN a/app/gui/qt/CMakeLists.txt b/app/gui/qt/CMakeLists.txt
---- a/app/gui/qt/CMakeLists.txt        2021-02-01 12:10:30.000000000 +0100
-+++ b/app/gui/qt/CMakeLists.txt        2021-09-20 00:27:46.749611996 +0200
-@@ -51,9 +51,7 @@
- find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Widgets Gui Concurrent Network OpenGL 
PrintSupport Xml Svg REQUIRED)
- find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
--# We build QScintilla as part of the main project to make it easy to debug/fix
--# It is not built as part of externals
-+find_library(QSCINTILLA_QT5 qscintilla2_qt5)
- set(APP_NAME sonic-pi)
- set(MACOS_APP_NAME "Sonic Pi")
-@@ -212,7 +210,7 @@
- target_link_libraries(${APP_NAME}
-     SonicPi::SonicPiAPI
--    QScintilla
-     Qt5::Core
-     Qt5::Gui
-     Qt5::Widgets

(from rev 1210047, sonic-pi/trunk/sonic-pi-3.3.1-devendor_qscintilla-qt5.patch)
--- sonic-pi-3.3.1-devendor_qscintilla-qt5.patch                                
(rev 0)
+++ sonic-pi-3.3.1-devendor_qscintilla-qt5.patch        2022-05-22 11:55:57 UTC 
(rev 1210048)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+diff -ruN a/app/gui/qt/CMakeLists.txt b/app/gui/qt/CMakeLists.txt
+--- a/app/gui/qt/CMakeLists.txt        2021-02-01 12:10:30.000000000 +0100
++++ b/app/gui/qt/CMakeLists.txt        2021-09-20 00:27:46.749611996 +0200
+@@ -51,9 +51,7 @@
+ find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Widgets Gui Concurrent Network OpenGL 
PrintSupport Xml Svg REQUIRED)
+ find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
+-# We build QScintilla as part of the main project to make it easy to debug/fix
+-# It is not built as part of externals
++find_library(QSCINTILLA_QT5 qscintilla2_qt5)
+ set(APP_NAME sonic-pi)
+ set(MACOS_APP_NAME "Sonic Pi")
+@@ -212,7 +210,7 @@
+ target_link_libraries(${APP_NAME}
+     SonicPi::SonicPiAPI
+-    QScintilla
+     Qt5::Core
+     Qt5::Gui
+     Qt5::Widgets

Deleted: sonic-pi-3.3.1-ruby_paths.patch
--- sonic-pi-3.3.1-ruby_paths.patch     2022-05-22 11:55:37 UTC (rev 1210047)
+++ sonic-pi-3.3.1-ruby_paths.patch     2022-05-22 11:55:57 UTC (rev 1210048)
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-diff -ruN a/app/server/ruby/core.rb b/app/server/ruby/core.rb
---- a/app/server/ruby/core.rb  2021-02-01 12:10:30.000000000 +0100
-+++ b/app/server/ruby/core.rb  2021-09-20 02:02:48.452962508 +0200
-@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
-       # define this helper first so we can set the constants below
-       def self.wav_from_buffer_file(filename)
--          File.expand_path("../../../../etc/buffers/#{filename}", __FILE__),
-+          File.expand_path("/usr/share/sonic-pi/buffers/#{filename}", 
- , :float, 44100)
-         ).read(441000).samples.freeze
-       end
-diff -ruN a/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/util.rb 
---- a/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/util.rb      2021-02-01 12:10:30.000000000 
-+++ b/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/util.rb      2021-09-20 01:53:31.524788455 
-@@ -329,11 +329,11 @@
-     end
-     def root_path
--      File.absolute_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../../../../")
-+      File.absolute_path("/usr/share/sonic-pi")
-     end
-     def etc_path
--      File.absolute_path("#{root_path}/etc")
-+      File.absolute_path("#{root_path}")
-     end
-     def snippets_path
-@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
-     end
-     def doc_path
--      File.absolute_path("#{etc_path}/doc")
-+      File.absolute_path("/usr/share/doc/sonic-pi")
-     end
-     def cheatsheets_path
-@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@
-     end
-     def tmp_path
--      File.absolute_path("#{root_path}/tmp")
-+      File.absolute_path("/tmp")
-     end
-     def synthdef_path
-@@ -369,19 +369,20 @@
-     end
-     def app_path
--      File.absolute_path("#{root_path}/app")
-+      File.absolute_path("/usr/lib/sonic-pi")
-     end
-     def html_public_path
--      File.absolute_path("#{app_path}/gui/html/public")
-+      File.absolute_path("#{doc_path}/gui/html/public")
-     end
-+    # this path is only relevant during build time
-     def qt_gui_path
-       File.absolute_path("#{app_path}/gui/qt")
-     end
-     def examples_path
--      File.absolute_path("#{etc_path}/examples")
-+      File.absolute_path("#{doc_path}/examples")
-     end
-     def server_path
-@@ -397,7 +398,7 @@
-     end
-     def server_bin_path
--      File.absolute_path("#{server_path}/ruby/bin")
-+      File.absolute_path("#{server_path}/bin")
-     end
-     def native_path
-@@ -414,7 +415,7 @@
-     end
-     def sox_path
--      File.join(native_path, "sox", __exe_fix("sox"))
-+      File.absolute_path("/usr/bin/sox")
-     end
-     def scsynth_log_path
-@@ -450,7 +451,7 @@
-     end
-     def erlang_server_path
--      File.join(server_path, "erlang", "sonic_pi_server", "ebin")
-+      File.absolute_path("/usr/lib/sonic-pi")
-     end
-     def user_audio_settings_path
-diff -ruN a/app/server/ruby/util.rb b/app/server/ruby/util.rb
---- a/app/server/ruby/util.rb  2021-02-01 12:10:30.000000000 +0100
-+++ b/app/server/ruby/util.rb  2021-09-20 01:53:31.524788455 +0200
-@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@
- #++
- def sp_sonic_pi_path()
--  File.absolute_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../")
-+  File.absolute_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/..")
- end
- def sp_scripts_path()
--  File.absolute_path("#{sp_sonic_pi_path}/app/scripts")
-+  File.absolute_path("#{sp_sonic_pi_path}/scripts")
- end
- def sp_synthdefs_path()
--  File.absolute_path("#{sp_sonic_pi_path}/app/etc/synthdefs/compiled")
-+  File.absolute_path("#{sp_sonic_pi_path}/synthdefs/compiled")
- end
- def spider_log(message)

Copied: sonic-pi/repos/community-x86_64/sonic-pi-3.3.1-ruby_paths.patch (from 
rev 1210047, sonic-pi/trunk/sonic-pi-3.3.1-ruby_paths.patch)
--- sonic-pi-3.3.1-ruby_paths.patch                             (rev 0)
+++ sonic-pi-3.3.1-ruby_paths.patch     2022-05-22 11:55:57 UTC (rev 1210048)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+diff -ruN a/app/server/ruby/core.rb b/app/server/ruby/core.rb
+--- a/app/server/ruby/core.rb  2021-02-01 12:10:30.000000000 +0100
++++ b/app/server/ruby/core.rb  2021-09-20 02:02:48.452962508 +0200
+@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
+       # define this helper first so we can set the constants below
+       def self.wav_from_buffer_file(filename)
+-          File.expand_path("../../../../etc/buffers/#{filename}", __FILE__),
++          File.expand_path("/usr/share/sonic-pi/buffers/#{filename}", 
+ , :float, 44100)
+         ).read(441000).samples.freeze
+       end
+diff -ruN a/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/util.rb 
+--- a/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/util.rb      2021-02-01 12:10:30.000000000 
++++ b/app/server/ruby/lib/sonicpi/util.rb      2021-09-20 01:53:31.524788455 
+@@ -329,11 +329,11 @@
+     end
+     def root_path
+-      File.absolute_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../../../../")
++      File.absolute_path("/usr/share/sonic-pi")
+     end
+     def etc_path
+-      File.absolute_path("#{root_path}/etc")
++      File.absolute_path("#{root_path}")
+     end
+     def snippets_path
+@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
+     end
+     def doc_path
+-      File.absolute_path("#{etc_path}/doc")
++      File.absolute_path("/usr/share/doc/sonic-pi")
+     end
+     def cheatsheets_path
+@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@
+     end
+     def tmp_path
+-      File.absolute_path("#{root_path}/tmp")
++      File.absolute_path("/tmp")
+     end
+     def synthdef_path
+@@ -369,19 +369,20 @@
+     end
+     def app_path
+-      File.absolute_path("#{root_path}/app")
++      File.absolute_path("/usr/lib/sonic-pi")
+     end
+     def html_public_path
+-      File.absolute_path("#{app_path}/gui/html/public")
++      File.absolute_path("#{doc_path}/gui/html/public")
+     end
++    # this path is only relevant during build time
+     def qt_gui_path
+       File.absolute_path("#{app_path}/gui/qt")
+     end
+     def examples_path
+-      File.absolute_path("#{etc_path}/examples")
++      File.absolute_path("#{doc_path}/examples")
+     end
+     def server_path
+@@ -397,7 +398,7 @@
+     end
+     def server_bin_path
+-      File.absolute_path("#{server_path}/ruby/bin")
++      File.absolute_path("#{server_path}/bin")
+     end
+     def native_path
+@@ -414,7 +415,7 @@
+     end
+     def sox_path
+-      File.join(native_path, "sox", __exe_fix("sox"))
++      File.absolute_path("/usr/bin/sox")
+     end
+     def scsynth_log_path
+@@ -450,7 +451,7 @@
+     end
+     def erlang_server_path
+-      File.join(server_path, "erlang", "sonic_pi_server", "ebin")
++      File.absolute_path("/usr/lib/sonic-pi")
+     end
+     def user_audio_settings_path
+diff -ruN a/app/server/ruby/util.rb b/app/server/ruby/util.rb
+--- a/app/server/ruby/util.rb  2021-02-01 12:10:30.000000000 +0100
++++ b/app/server/ruby/util.rb  2021-09-20 01:53:31.524788455 +0200
+@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@
+ #++
+ def sp_sonic_pi_path()
+-  File.absolute_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../")
++  File.absolute_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/..")
+ end
+ def sp_scripts_path()
+-  File.absolute_path("#{sp_sonic_pi_path}/app/scripts")
++  File.absolute_path("#{sp_sonic_pi_path}/scripts")
+ end
+ def sp_synthdefs_path()
+-  File.absolute_path("#{sp_sonic_pi_path}/app/etc/synthdefs/compiled")
++  File.absolute_path("#{sp_sonic_pi_path}/synthdefs/compiled")
+ end
+ def spider_log(message)

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