Date: Monday, April 12, 2021 @ 08:58:25
  Author: dvzrv
Revision: 412354

archrelease: copy trunk to testing-x86_64

    (from rev 412353, postfix/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 412353, postfix/trunk/postfix-3.5.8-main_defaults.patch)
    (from rev 412353, postfix/trunk/postfix.install)
    (from rev 412353, postfix/trunk/postfix.service)
    (from rev 412353, postfix/trunk/postfix.sysusers)
    (from rev 412353, postfix/trunk/postfix.tmpfiles)

 PKGBUILD                          |  237 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 postfix-3.5.8-main_defaults.patch |   19 ++
 postfix.install                   |    8 +
 postfix.service                   |   18 ++
 postfix.sysusers                  |    2 
 postfix.tmpfiles                  |   16 ++
 6 files changed, 300 insertions(+)

Copied: postfix/repos/testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 412353, 
--- testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD                             (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD     2021-04-12 08:58:25 UTC (rev 412354)
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+# Maintainer: David Runge <>
+# Contributor: Gaetan Bisson <>
+# Contributor: Jeff Brodnax <>
+# Contributor: Paul Mattal <>
+pkgname=('postfix' 'postfix-cdb' 'postfix-ldap' 'postfix-lmdb' 'postfix-mysql'
+'postfix-pcre' 'postfix-pgsql' 'postfix-sqlite')
+pkgdesc='Fast, easy to administer, secure mail server'
+makedepends=('db' 'icu' 'libldap' 'libnsl' 'libsasl' 'lmdb' 'mariadb-libs'
+'openssl' 'pcre' 'postgresql-libs' 'sqlite' 'tinycdb' 'zlib')
+        "${pkgname}-3.5.8-main_defaults.patch"
+        "${pkgname}.service"
+        "${pkgname}.sysusers"
+        "${pkgname}.tmpfiles"
+            'SKIP'
+        'SKIP'
+validpgpkeys=('622C7C012254C186677469C50C0B590E80CA15A7') # Wietse Venema 
+prepare() {
+  cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+  # add distribution defaults to (alias_maps and alias_database)
+  patch -Np1 -i ../"${pkgbase}-3.5.8-main_defaults.patch"
+  # create work directories for split package configuration
+  mkdir -vp "${pkgbase}-files.d"
+build() {
+  local _ccargs=(
+    '-fPIC' '-fcommon'
+    '-DUSE_CYRUS_SASL' '-I/usr/include/sasl'
+    '-DHAS_LDAP'
+    '-DHAS_LMDB'
+    '-DUSE_TLS'
+    '-DHAS_MYSQL' '-I/usr/include/mysql'
+    '-DHAS_PGSQL' '-I/usr/include/postgresql'
+    '-DHAS_CDB'
+    '-DDEF_COMMAND_DIR=\"/usr/bin\"'
+    '-DDEF_DAEMON_DIR=\"/usr/lib/postfix/bin\"'
+    '-DDEF_SENDMAIL_PATH=\"/usr/bin/sendmail\"'
+    '-DDEF_README_DIR=\"/usr/share/doc/postfix\"'
+    '-DDEF_MANPAGE_DIR=\"/usr/share/man\"'
+  )
+  cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+  # NOTE: descriptions of variables in makedefs
+  make makefiles \
+    DEBUG='' \
+    pie=yes \
+    shared=yes \
+    dynamicmaps=yes \
+    CCARGS="${_ccargs[*]}" \
+    AUXLIBS="$(pkgconf --libs openssl libsasl2) -lnsl" \
+    AUXLIBS_LDAP='-lldap -llber' \
+    AUXLIBS_LMDB="$(pkgconf --libs lmdb)" \
+    AUXLIBS_PCRE="$(pkgconf --libs pcre)" \
+    AUXLIBS_MYSQL="$(pkgconf --libs mariadb)" \
+    AUXLIBS_PGSQL="$(pkgconf --libs libpq)" \
+    AUXLIBS_SQLITE="$(pkgconf --libs sqlite3)" \
+    AUXLIBS_CDB='-lcdb' \
+    SHLIB_RPATH="-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/postfix ${LDFLAGS}" \
+  make
+package_postfix() {
+  local _name _feature
+  depends+=('db' 'libsasl' 'openssl' 'zlib' '' '')
+  optdepends=(
+    'perl: for and qshape'
+    'postfix-cdb: for CDB integration'
+    'postfix-ldap: for LDAP integration'
+    'postfix-lmdb: for LMDB integration'
+    'postfix-mysql: for MySQL integration'
+    'postfix-pcre: for PCRE integration'
+    'postfix-pgsql: for PostgreSQL integration'
+    'postfix-sqlite: for SQLite integration'
+  )
+  conflicts=('smtp-server' 'smtp-forwarder')
+  provides=('smtp-server' 'smtp-forwarder')
+  install="${pkgbase}.install"
+  cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+  sh postfix-install -non-interactive install_root="${pkgdir}"
+  # additional man pages and scripts
+  for _name in posttls-finger {smtp,qmqp}-{sink,source}; do
+    install -vDm 644 "man/man1/${_name}.1" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/"
+    install -vDm 755 "bin/${_name}" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/"
+  done
+  install -Dm 644 "man/man1/qshape.1" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/"
+  install -Dm 755 "auxiliary/qshape/" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/qshape"
+  install -Dm 755 "auxiliary/collate/" 
+  # license
+  install -vDm 644 LICENSE -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/"
+  # systemd service
+  install -vDm 644 "../${pkgname}.service" -t 
+  # sysusers.d
+  install -vDm 644 "../${pkgname}.sysusers" 
+  # tmpfiles.d
+  # NOTE: follows setup in conf/postfix-files
+  install -vDm 644 "../${pkgname}.tmpfiles" 
+  # create and postfix-files.d/ entries for split packages
+  # remove targetted files from main configuration files
+  for _feature in {cdb,ldap,lmdb,mysql,pcre,pgsql,sqlite}; do
+    grep "${pkgbase}-${_feature}" "${pkgdir}/etc/${pkgbase}/" > 
+    sed -e "/${pkgbase}-${_feature}/d" -i 
+    grep "${pkgbase}-${_feature}" "${pkgdir}/etc/${pkgbase}/${pkgbase}-files" 
> "${pkgbase}-files.d/${pkgbase}-${_feature}.cf"
+    sed -e "/${pkgbase}-${_feature}/d" -i 
+    grep "${_feature^^}_README:" "${pkgdir}/etc/${pkgbase}/${pkgbase}-files" 
>> "${pkgbase}-files.d/${pkgbase}-${_feature}.cf"
+    sed -e "/${_feature^^}_README:/d" -i 
+    if [[ "${_feature}" != cdb ]]; then
+      grep "${_feature}_table.5:" "${pkgdir}/etc/${pkgbase}/${pkgbase}-files" 
>> "${pkgbase}-files.d/${pkgbase}-${_feature}.cf"
+      sed -e "/${_feature}_table.5:/d" -i 
+      # remove files, that are part of the split packages
+      rm -vf "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man5/${_feature}_table.5"
+    fi
+    # remove files, that are part of the split packages
+    rm -vf "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgbase}/${pkgbase}-${_feature}.so"
+    rm -vf "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgbase}/${_feature^^}_README"
+  done
+  # remove non-reproducible file, that only lists what the build circumstances 
+  rm -v "${pkgdir}/etc/${pkgname}/makedefs.out"
+  sed -e '/makedefs/d' -i "${pkgdir}/etc/${pkgname}/${pkgname}-files"
+package_postfix-cdb() {
+  depends+=('postfix' '')
+  name+=' (CDB integration)'
+  cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+  install -vDm 755 lib/${pkgname}.so -t "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgbase}/"
+  install -vDm 644 "${pkgname}.cf" -t 
+  install -vDm 644 "${pkgbase}-files.d/${pkgname}.cf" -t 
+  install -vDm 644 README_FILES/CDB_README -t 
+package_postfix-ldap() {
+  depends+=('postfix' 'libldap')
+  name+=' (LDAP integration)'
+  cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+  install -vDm 755 lib/${pkgname}.so -t "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgbase}/"
+  install -vDm 644 "${pkgname}.cf" -t 
+  install -vDm 644 "${pkgbase}-files.d/${pkgname}.cf" -t 
+  install -vDm 644 man/man5/ldap_table.5 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man5/"
+  install -vDm 644 README_FILES/LDAP_README -t 
+package_postfix-lmdb() {
+  depends+=('lmdb' 'postfix')
+  name+=' (LMDB integration)'
+  cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+  install -vDm 755 lib/${pkgname}.so -t "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgbase}/"
+  install -vDm 644 "${pkgname}.cf" -t 
+  install -vDm 644 "${pkgbase}-files.d/${pkgname}.cf" -t 
+  install -vDm 644 man/man5/lmdb_table.5 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man5/"
+  install -vDm 644 README_FILES/LMDB_README -t 
+package_postfix-mysql() {
+  depends+=('postfix' '')
+  name+=' (MySQL integration)'
+  cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+  install -vDm 755 lib/${pkgname}.so -t "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgbase}/"
+  install -vDm 644 "${pkgname}.cf" -t 
+  install -vDm 644 "${pkgbase}-files.d/${pkgname}.cf" -t 
+  install -vDm 644 man/man5/mysql_table.5 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man5/"
+  install -vDm 644 README_FILES/MYSQL_README -t 
+package_postfix-pcre() {
+  depends+=('pcre' 'postfix')
+  name+=' (PCRE integration)'
+  cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+  install -vDm 755 lib/${pkgname}.so -t "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgbase}/"
+  install -vDm 644 "${pkgname}.cf" -t 
+  install -vDm 644 "${pkgbase}-files.d/${pkgname}.cf" -t 
+  install -vDm 644 man/man5/pcre_table.5 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man5/"
+  install -vDm 644 README_FILES/PCRE_README -t 
+package_postfix-pgsql() {
+  depends+=('postfix' '')
+  name+=' (PostgreSQL integration)'
+  cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+  install -vDm 755 lib/${pkgname}.so -t "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgbase}/"
+  install -vDm 644 "${pkgname}.cf" -t 
+  install -vDm 644 "${pkgbase}-files.d/${pkgname}.cf" -t 
+  install -vDm 644 man/man5/pgsql_table.5 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man5/"
+  install -vDm 644 README_FILES/PGSQL_README -t 
+package_postfix-sqlite() {
+  depends+=('postfix' 'sqlite')
+  name+=' (SQLite integration)'
+  cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+  install -vDm 755 lib/${pkgname}.so -t "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgbase}/"
+  install -vDm 644 "${pkgname}.cf" -t 
+  install -vDm 644 "${pkgbase}-files.d/${pkgname}.cf" -t 
+  install -vDm 644 man/man5/sqlite_table.5 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man5/"
+  install -vDm 644 README_FILES/SQLITE_README -t 

Copied: postfix/repos/testing-x86_64/postfix-3.5.8-main_defaults.patch (from 
rev 412353, postfix/trunk/postfix-3.5.8-main_defaults.patch)
--- testing-x86_64/postfix-3.5.8-main_defaults.patch                            
(rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/postfix-3.5.8-main_defaults.patch    2021-04-12 08:58:25 UTC 
(rev 412354)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+diff -ruN a/conf/ b/conf/
+--- a/conf/     2019-06-16 02:33:53.000000000 +0200
++++ b/conf/     2020-11-09 18:22:06.436205639 +0100
+@@ -401,6 +401,7 @@
+ #alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
+ #alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, nis:mail.aliases
+ #alias_maps = netinfo:/aliases
++alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
+ # The alias_database parameter specifies the alias database(s) that
+ # are built with "newaliases" or "sendmail -bi".  This is a separate
+@@ -411,6 +412,7 @@
+ #alias_database = dbm:/etc/mail/aliases
+ #alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
+ #alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases, hash:/opt/majordomo/aliases
++alias_database = $alias_maps
+ # ADDRESS EXTENSIONS (e.g., user+foo)
+ #

Copied: postfix/repos/testing-x86_64/postfix.install (from rev 412353, 
--- testing-x86_64/postfix.install                              (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/postfix.install      2021-04-12 08:58:25 UTC (rev 412354)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_upgrade() {
+  # introduction of split packages
+  if [ "$(vercmp "$2" "3.5.9")" -le 0 ]; then
+    echo "WARNING: The following features are now only available via 
optdepends: cdb, ldap, lmdb, mysql, pcre, pgsql, sqlite."
+  fi

Copied: postfix/repos/testing-x86_64/postfix.service (from rev 412353, 
--- testing-x86_64/postfix.service                              (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/postfix.service      2021-04-12 08:58:25 UTC (rev 412354)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Description=Postfix Mail Transport Agent
+ExecReload=/usr/bin/postfix reload
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/postfix start
+ExecStop=/usr/bin/postfix stop

Copied: postfix/repos/testing-x86_64/postfix.sysusers (from rev 412353, 
--- testing-x86_64/postfix.sysusers                             (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/postfix.sysusers     2021-04-12 08:58:25 UTC (rev 412354)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+g postdrop 75 -
+u postfix 73 - /var/spool/postfix

Copied: postfix/repos/testing-x86_64/postfix.tmpfiles (from rev 412353, 
--- testing-x86_64/postfix.tmpfiles                             (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/postfix.tmpfiles     2021-04-12 08:58:25 UTC (rev 412354)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+z /usr/bin/postdrop 2755 root postdrop
+z /usr/bin/postqueue 2755 root postdrop
+z /var/lib/postfix 700 postfix root
+z /var/spool/postfix/active 700 postfix root
+z /var/spool/postfix/bounce 700 postfix root
+z /var/spool/postfix/corrupt 700 postfix root
+z /var/spool/postfix/defer 700 postfix root
+z /var/spool/postfix/deferred 700 postfix root
+z /var/spool/postfix/flush 700 postfix root
+z /var/spool/postfix/hold 700 postfix root
+z /var/spool/postfix/incoming 700 postfix root
+z /var/spool/postfix/maildrop 730 postfix postdrop
+z /var/spool/postfix/private 700 postfix root
+z /var/spool/postfix/public 710 postfix postdrop
+z /var/spool/postfix/saved 700 postfix root
+z /var/spool/postfix/trace 700 postfix root

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