On 02/25/2010 11:49 AM, Aaron Griffin wrote:
On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 7:17 PM, Daniel J Griffiths (Ghost1227)
<ghost1...@archlinux.us>  wrote:
I've always thought the method of modifying your local mirrorlist,
running mkarchroot, then reverting the changes to be more tedious than
necessary for creation of i686 chroots on x86_64. My recent work with
setting up a dedicated build server gave me plenty of time and an
excuse to actually do something about it. As such, I've put together a
little patch that allows specification of creation of an i686 chroot
at runtime. When set, this flag will automatically modify your local
mirrorlist, create the requested i686 chroot, then revert the changes
to the mirrorlist file. I don't know if others would find this useful
or not, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to post it.

Actually, I *thought* I added a flag to point to an alternate pacman
config when building the chroot, to simplify this. So it'd be as
simple as:

sed s/x86_64/i686/<  /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist>  /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-i686
sed s/mirrorlist/mirrorlist-i686/<  /etc/pacman.conf>  /etc/pacman-i686.conf

mkarchroot -C /etc/pacman-i686.conf ...yada yada...

Having some uniform turnkey script to build an i686 chroot on an x86_64 box as part of devtools would be useful.

I just noticed today that in setting up my chroots, I had replaced my x86_64 in makepkg.conf with i686, but not replaced the x86-64 which occur in CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS. If others have done similar things, it might result in buggy or suboptimal packages.

It would at least be nice of someone who knows a lot about building in chroots describes in detail what must be done for i686 chroots in x86_64 in the wiki page, just in case there are important details I or others have missed.

- P

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