On Thursday 23 August 2012 09:57:29 keenerd wrote:
> Hello devs!
> Thank you Florian for trying this out.  I do hope that we won't foul
> up the S/N ratio too much.
> One of the big reasons for letting TUs post here was so that we would
> have a place to formally/officially ask to have packages moved from
> [extra] to [community].  Previously this went through side channels
> such as private email.  I know some TUs will be asking for specific
> packages in the next few days, but I just wanted to kick things off by
> posting a list of all of them.  You can see it here:
> http://kmkeen.com/tmp/extra-to-community
> Now this is a mechanically generated list.  Of the 340 orphans in
> [extra], it picks out the 200 that could be (in theory) safely moved
> to [community].  That is, nothing in [extra] depends on these
> packages.  The script is not smart enough to deal with optdeps, but we
> are generally pretty lax about those anyway.  Details below about how
> to make the list.
> I am not asking for all of these to be moved, and I am certainly not
> asking to maintain all 200 of them myself.  Just saying that there are
> a lot that would appreciate some love.
> What I will ask the devs to do is to see if there are any they'd like
> to hold on to themselves.  You can do this by install aurphan and
> running
> aurphan -p | grep 'Extr'
> The -p mode was requested by Pierre.  It will look at the packages you
> have installed and of those will pick out the ones with no maintainer.
>  Since these will all be packages you use, hopefully they may be ones
> you have an interest in maintaining.
> As a side note, there seems to be an unofficial policy among the devs
> to randomly pick up flagged orphans packages in [extra] and fix them.
> This is very good!  But these packages are never adopted.  This is
> very confusing.  It does seem a little odd that the people who build
> the version bump just don't adopt the package.  Is there some detail
> that I am missing?

Thank you for doing this!


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