
2013/1/24 Allan McRae <al...@archlinux.org>:
> I agree with just dumping vi and moving [vim] to core...  But we can not
> put split packages across repos and gvim and deps are not going there so
> that is a no...

That is fully understandable. I guess unsplitting vim/gvim is not a
viable option either.

I see that nano is already in core, but if there's a wish for a
vi-compatible editor in [core], there is "e3" in [community] which
also provides /usr/bin/e3vi for vi-compatibility. It's really tiny and
fast, and only takes up 76 KiB of space after installation. Perhaps
that could be an alternative?

>> And perhaps openldap could be moved to [extra] or [community].
> Split package with libldap...  so no.

These are the packages in [core] that depend on libldap:


dirmngr and nfsidmap are maintained by Tobias Powalowski, while krb5
is maintained by Stéphane Gaudreault. Perhaps one of them would like
to adopt libldap, since only their packages in [core] depends on it.

Best regards,
  Alexander Rødseth
  xyproto / TU

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