On 26/09/2014 18:44, Florian Pritz wrote:
> Hi,
> As discussed a couple months ago I've finally moved mailman from gudrun
> to luna.
> Creating new lists from the web interface will now work without admin
> intervention, but the new list will only be available via
> listn...@lists.archlinux.org, not listn...@archlinux.org as before.

Having two domains for the same mailing list is something we should
avoid. Even though we will not create mailing list every day, having new
mailing list in @lists.archlinux.org and old one in @archlinux.org is
not consistent, and it's not really improving the previous situation.

Why do you not setup all the mail stuff (postfix, mailman) on the same
server? Security concerns was around having frontends and packages on
the same server.

Side questions:
- we only have one mx server. Why not put a backup on another of our server?
- lists.archlinux.org currently redirect to bbs, should not be on mailman?


Sébastien "Seblu" Luttringer
https://seblu.net | Twitter: @seblu42
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