On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 7:44 PM, Thomas Bächler <tho...@archlinux.org> wrote:

> Hello guys,
> a user I met at FrOSCon this year and last year wants to organize an
> Arch Linux Devroom at FOSDEM on January 30th/31st [1]. We would need a
> few devs and TUs to be there at least. A program with a few talks would
> also be nice (users can also give talks, not only developers and TUs).
> There is also the question whether we want the room on Saturday, Sunday,
> or both.
> So, anyone who is interested to
>  1) help watch the room
>  2) give a talk
>  3) hold a discussion panel
>  4) bring hardware
>  5) generally be there
>  6) ...????
> should reply until Wednesday so we can respect FOSDEM's deadline.
> Does anyone have contact to the ALRAM guys? Maybe one of them will be on
> board. Or maybe there is another Arch-derivative that would join us?
> [1] https://fosdem.org/2016/
I'm not much of a talker, but I hope I can at least generally be there this
year, along with my trusty laptop.


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