On 05/02/16 07:20, Christian Hesse wrote:
> Massimiliano Torromeo <massimiliano.torro...@gmail.com> on Fri, 2016/04/29
> 12:47:
>> I was also wondering about a pacman hook ro run "systemctl daemon-reload"
>> after systemd units installations/upgrades. This is something that was not
>> done even in .install files but I don't know if there was a reason why.
>> Others distros do this automatically, even the ones that do not have the
>> bad habit of restarting the services for you without asking. Eg: I never
>> had to do daemon-reload on CentOS 7.
>> As far as I understand it shouldn't have any unintended side effects (and I
>> certainly never experienced one). Thoughts?
> Ah, and another one to reload udev rules:
> [Trigger]
> Operation = Install
> Operation = Upgrade
> Operation = Remove
> Type = File
> Target = usr/lib/udev/rules.d/*
> [Action]
> Description = Reload udev rule files
> When = PostTransaction
> Exec = /usr/bin/udevadm control --reload-rules
> Depends = systemd

--reload-rules (is keep but hidden for compatibility), renamed to
--reload, in any case, rules are reloaded automagically (thanks to inotify).

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