Baptiste Jonglez <> on Thu, 2017/02/23 23:36:
> > Mupdf is a burden to maintain due to build system, bundled libraries and
> > static linking. Looks like upstream is not yet interested in openssl
> > 1.1.0... As I do not use it currently this will move to [community] if no
> > one steps up.   
> Can't you just drop the dependency on openssl?  What is it used for?
> As far as I can tell, Debian does not build mupdf against openssl:

Just did that and pushed to [community-testing].

With mupdf linked against openssl you have support for PKCS#7 which is used
for digital signatures in PDF documents.
main(a){char*c=/*    Schoene Gruesse                         */"B?IJj;MEH"
"CX:;",b;for(a/*    Best regards             my address:    */=0;b=c[a++];)
putchar(b-1/(/*    Chris            cc -ox -xc - && ./x    */b/42*2-3)*42);}

Attachment: pgp8G6w55ZFS2.pgp
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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