
The subreddit /r/linux have started organizing AMA threads for relevant
projects. Gentoo had one of these a few months ago and is an interesting read.


I think it's a good idea Arch Linux does an AMA as it's might give users some
incentive to help contributing to the project. I have chatted with a subreddit
mod at /r/linux, and the AMA should preferably start on any Monday from 27th and
onwards. It will also run for a few days, so there is no need to be present all
the time, or when it starts.

If you are interested participating please reply to the list with the following

* Reddit username.
* What you do.
* What Monday fits for you?

I have also started handing out flairs on the /r/archlinux subreddit. It's not
an official forum, but if developers and team members want flairs for their
reddit accounts you can also reply to this mail or poke me on IRC :)

Morten Linderud

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