On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 07:15:31PM +0200, Antonio Rojas via arch-dev-public 
<arch-dev-public@archlinux.org> wrote:
> I'm not very fond of adding todo lists for things that are not
> completely under devs/TU's control (some packages have not been ported
> upstream yet). It will just sit there unfinished for months and we
> will eventually forget about it. Once we decide it's time to drop qt4,
> we can open a todo list with a deadline after which packages that are
> still not ported will be dropped.

I'm not quite sure how doing it on the mailing list is any better then.
You could also just ask people in the description of the TODO to mark a
package as done right away, if there is no option to disable qt4,
instead of keeping it open. That way the list shows which packages
someone has looked at and either fixed or decided that they can't be
fixed yet.

I'm generally a fan of mailing lists, but working on a list of things
on a mailing list doesn't feel efficient. If I want to join in after
others have worked on it, I first have to read your mail and then tick
off each package that someone else has already fixed or said that it
can't be fixed. I'd rather have something that directly shows me the
current state.


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