On 2019-09-02 23:56:39 (-0400), Eli Schwartz via arch-dev-public wrote:
> I've gotten several positive responses and no negative ones so far.
> Although it's been noted that it might be nice to have a more
> lightweight convert tool packaged, I think for now we can stick with the
> one in qt5-webengine.
> Anyone else have any last-minute objections? Should I create a TODO list
> for all our dictionary packages?
Not that it is of our direct concern, but qt5-webengine seems to suffer
from unresolved questionable licensing issues, which is why e.g.
Parabola doesn't package it [1]. I don't know the specifics, but assume,
that it is due to the Chromium license [2].


[1] https://www.parabola.nu/packages/?q=qt5-
[2] https://github.com/qt/qtwebengine/blob/5.12/LICENSE.Chromium


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