On 10/2/19 11:10 AM, Florian Pritz via arch-dev-public wrote:
> Hi,
> I no longer have the time necessary to properly handle actual TU duties
> so I am retiring my TU hat. I will still continue maintaining some
> packages I have in [community] via my developer hat.
> That said, I'd like to orphan some of them too. If anyone is interested
> in taking over one of these packages (and its dependencies), please feel
> free to adopt it and tell me so that I can orphan it.
> asciidoc
> filezilla libfilezilla
> gcolor2
> gmrun
> obconf
> openbox
> openshot libopenshot libopenshot-audio
> pydf
> slock
> tipp10
> vimpager
> xplc
> zim
> Florian

Hey Florian,

I could take care of:

filezilla libfilezilla

feel free to stay packager if you can afford a bit of time sometimes,
more is better.


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