Hi all,

I want to propose adding all active Python versions to [community], not
just the latest one. This would only entail adding the interpreter
itself, no other packages.

Having access to interpreters for older active versions is really
helpful for Python developers. This allows them to easily run test
suites against older versions. It is very common for developers to
maintain software against a couple major releases. Tools like tox or
nox are able to automate testing against multiple Python versions, just
needing the interpreter.

The current active Python releases are:
  - 3.9
  - 3.8
  - 3.7
  - 3.6
  - 2.7

The list can be found here[1].

So, I propose introducing 2 new packages:
  - python3.7
  - python3.6

And when we update the python package to 3.9:
  - python3.8

Does anyone have any big issue with this? What are your thoughts?

[1] https://www.python.org/downloads/

Filipe Laíns

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