The default BLAS implementation will be used for most packages like NumPy or R. Please install "blas-openblas" and "blas64-openblas" to make OpenBLAS the default BLAS implementation, just like the old behavior.
Unfortunately you will get errors on updating if you currently have OpenBLAS installed as the default BLAS implementation:
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies) :: installing openblas (0.3.23-2) breaks dependency 'blas' required by cblas:: installing openblas (0.3.23-2) breaks dependency 'blas' required by lapack
Please append your preferred default BLAS implementation to the regular -Syu command line to get around it. For example:
# pacman -Syu blas-openblas or # pacman -Syu blas -- Regards, Felix Yan
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