
You should also try to run namcap on the resulting package and not only on 
the PKGBUILD ;-)

Colin Pitrat

Kevin Monceaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Arch General User Mailing List <Arch-General@ArchLinux.org>

[arch-general] New User(sort of) and a packaging question

Kevin Monceaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Please respond to : General Discusson about Arch Linux 
28/01/2008 17:46

Fellow Arch Enthusiasts,

I discovered Arch about a year ago, and loved it.  I played around with it 

under VMware for a while, and even created a couple of packages for 
myself.  At the time my hard drive really needed some 
reorganization/repartitioning before switching to another distribution. 
But, my DVD burner was acting flaky.  Anyway, one year later with a 
second hard drive installed, and with a new DVD burner on order, I've made 

the switch to Arch, after trying a few other distros along the way.

I can't find the packages I created back when I first started using Arch. 
At some point I ended up deleting the VMware image to free up some space 
and neglected to copy the packages.  Anyway, I've created a package for 
c3270.  I found an x3270 package but prefer the text console version.  Is 
there a utility that can be used to help set the package's dependencies? 
I found a few mentions of namcap on the wiki.  I tried it on the package I 

created, which I don't currently have any dependencies listed in, and the 
only problems it reports are missing maintainer and CVS id tags.  It 
mentions nothing about the missing dependencies.  By the way, What does 
the name namcap stand for?

Bruceville, TX

Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.
Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla!!!

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