On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 7:21 PM, pyther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I need you guys to recommend a new distro. Unfortunately I made a terrible
>  mistake by taking Spanish two years ago (didn't learn much, but still...).
>  This means I do not know German I will be unable to read man pages and what
>  not!
>  I am looking for an ENGLISH distro that is as similar to Arch Linux as
>  possible. Any help would be great!

We are not dropping internationalization support- we have long been
one of the best distros for this. You will still have English-language
manpages and everything else. However, our site will be primarily in
German from this point out, so you may have a bit more help when
troubleshooting problems, etc. Just as "de_DE" was available before,
"en_US" will still be available to most programs.


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