I also have this problem.

I am using gnome, and from the menu, eclipse stop at the startup screen
and eat 100% cpu. while I run eclipse from command line, it works
without a problem.


On Tue, 20 May 2008 22:26:29 +0000 (UTC)
Juergen Starek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> a few days ago, my Eclipse installation (which had worked fine for some 
> months before that) stopped working. Eclipse will start, but only to the 
> end of its initialization routine. The splash screen does not disappear.
> I realize this is no Eclipse support list, and hence will just point to 
> my more detailed error description on Eclipse's newsgroups [1]. However, 
> I'm out of ideas at the moment regarding possible causes for that error. 
> So I'd like to ask here whether anyone thinks that any updates to Arch 
> that appeared in the last three weeks or so might cause problems with 
> Java programs in general, or more specifically with SWT. Perhaps someone 
> even noticed the same problem?
> I'd be thankful for all hints.
> Regards, 
>   Jürgen
> [1] 
> http://www.eclipse.org/newsportal/article.php?
> id=23901&group=eclipse.newcomer

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