On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:46 PM, Alessio Bolognino
> There is a thing that I have never understood: we ship the Firefox
> package not branded, for the well known issues with the licensing of the
> artwork, and that's fine; but are we sure we can name that package
> "firefox" ? If you ask it to me, I think we can not:
> Mike Connor (a Mozilla guy :) said here [1]:
> "Firefox (the name) is equally protected and controlled by the same
> trademark policy and legal requirements as the Firefox logo.  You're
> free to use any other name for the browser bits, but calling the browser
> Firefox requires the same approvals as are required for using the logo
> and other artwork.
> [...]
> If you are going to use the Firefox name, you must also use the rest of the
> branding."
> Mozilla may say that we are "lying" to users, because the name is named
> firefox, but it doesn't contain Firefox.

Sure we name our package firefox- after the binary named firefox
contained within. When they fix their build process to name the
unbranded binary differently, perhaps we can adjust our package name


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