On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 13:58 -0400, timetrap wrote:
> dhcpcd is fine. But this is a patch for dhclient. Which is a totally
> different dhcp client. 
> When I installed wicd, dhclient was a dependency, if you want to use
> wicd, you need to use dhclient. If you want to have multiple search
> domains with dhclient (through wicd), you need to edit
> your /etc/resolv.conf and append those search domains.
> Rather than edit by hand, or run an external script. Why not just
> patch the dhclient-script?
> So yes, something like this SHOULD be unecessairy. But it isn't. 

man dhclient.conf and you'll find out about supersede and prepend
options. No need to add hacks for /etc/resolv.conf.append files.

This is what I have on my OpenBSD machine for dhclient.conf:
supersede domain-name "groot.local";
supersede domain-name-servers;

which replaces dhcp variables with locales from my config. Replacing
these with prepend or append will add them to the dhcp-provided options.

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